Apr 05, 2007 01:47
Life is filled with interesting happenings..and workouts that make everything seem better, despite the -20* feeling Ohio has to offer me in APRIL. I resolve to lose 10lbs, maybe 15 if I'm feeling frisky enough. It makes me feel better.. this whole "taking care" of myself finally. I haven't done it in what feels like over a year.
I've finally hit the phase of my semester where I really don't have all that much to do be doing right now, though deadlines are evident..and approaching quickly. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something, but I'm not. Nothing important until Wednesday when I take my philosophy test. I had an odd opinion presented to me today, and I just wish I was able to look at certain classes as something interesting, instead of just "making it through" them. Everyone acts like that class should be a joy to take, and somehow.. I'm not seeing it. I think this goes back to my inability to have intellectual conversations and "deep" discussions about religion/afterlife/moral value & reasoning. Or maybe just my inability to have intellectual conversations at all. I look at so many other people that feel passionate about things... REAL things...and I don't have that. I'm passionate about summer and relaxing and backyard bbq's & fires. I'm passionate about just making it through my bullshit classes. I'm passionate about... ? Exactly. Nothing of any substance.
It made me smile when I came home today, and practically every flower that bloomed this weekend was in my house, safe from the frost/snow/wind. Kitchen, dining room and living room look like a greenhouse.. I walked into my room to find a burst of yellow daffodils overtaking my desk...my mom is great.
Class at 11am. Working the usual 11-C at the Bean tomorrow. And the new thing: working out after work, no alcohol consumption (which hasn't happened since Monday and for me, that's huge, haha). Only sad part is, I will most likely go out tomorrow night with the guys, who have been cranky since I haven't been around since Monday. Only downfall of having bartenders as friends...well, one of a few I suppose.
ZZZ tea is amazing.. here's to hoping it works.
zzz tea,