Terri makes a ridiculous yet awesome spontaneous decision

Jun 20, 2009 14:10

Okay you guys. Yesterday I was going into the city to wish my friends luck before their exam and hang out with another friend. I was on the (hour long) bus ride in and I had an idea. I just popped into my head, jokingly at first, then like "Hey ... good idea!".


^________^ I got my tongue pierced!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't hurt much unless I eat. The only things I've found that I can eat and not die is jelly snakes and icy-poles. I could really go some hashbrowns. Or a big lentil caserole. Or a big, overstuffed salad burger with chickpea patties .... mmmm ... *stops*. Mostly it's just swollen, so I talk like I'm really speshul. But that's okay. It means I get to stay in my room and listen to music all day :D

So, since it was a LYK WHOA random, sudden decision, mum and dad didn't find out until I got home. Dad still wont talk to me and mum thinks it's gross, but I'm a big girl and really? They don't have to like it. And, now I'll have something interesting to do: buy awesome new tongue bars! I'm currently eBay bidding on a gay-flag one, and a "69" one (which I'm getting mostly to make my friend Rhys laugh). My official response to "What do you want for your bday/christmas/etc" is going to be "TONGUE BAR!!!1!!!111!"


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