How To Not Suck: Terri Style

Mar 18, 2009 20:33

Dude. Students are so fucking annoying O_O

You guys. Srsly.

I was in my first lecture of the day: Sociology. And I swear, everything that could possibly have been annoying, was. First a girl sat next to me with her friends and talked to loud, leaned into my space, then opened a container with her lunch in it - the most foul smelling dead chicken I'd ever smelled. Then, a group of girls sat on my other side, so my friends couldn't sit with me. This new group of girls bought a packed of lollies to share which they rustled through the whooooole lecture. THEN, the girls on either side of me pulled out laptops to take their notes on, tapping and rustling and eating noisily and talking all through the lecture. THEN when it was over, the girls took about five minutes just to think about getting up and letting me out, and then one dropped her bag and everything fell out, so I had to wait longer.

AND WORST OF ALL: none of them were hot :P

So life got conciderably less annoying after that, so it was cool, until now - some chicks are standing around talking about the mince they had for dinner - apparently there was cartilige in it O_O ew ew ew ew ew. I may in fact gag.

And, worst worst worst worst of all- I have an essay to finish and another to at least plan before I go to bed tonight >____________<


ALSO: (it ends soon, I swear) The Japanese couldn't be more annoying if they tried. Actually, I'm sure they could because this isn't that bad, but what can I say? I'm on a roll here with the complaining. Sometimes they pronounce は (ha) like わ (wa), and use う (u) to extend an お (o)sound. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.

japan, ramblings, uni, fuck everything

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