(no subject)

Aug 12, 2012 09:28

I find it humorous (and a little suspect) that I equate playing with different bands almost like cheating on a significant other. They aren't comparable in any way, shape, or form, but my experience paints it in that light. When I started playing in my first band No Way Home, it was my first "relationship." the band consisted of some solid friends and we would spend most of our time together, either playing music or doing other stuff. It was everything I had wanted, but at the same time, I knew no differently because it was my first experience playing in a band. Though it was enough for me, it wasn't enough for another. He started playing with another band, and he eventually grew disinterested in NWH. He started spending more time with these guys, creating different music with these guys, and having more fun with these guys. This, naturally, brought up the same questions for me that typically comes with the end of your first fall-in-love relationship: what's wrong with me? What did I do wrong? Am I not good enough? I can change! What do they have that I don't have? Does this mean the past year or so we spent together was for nothing? Was it all a waste of time? I don't know if I can find another after this experience. How long has he been losing interest?

I bring this up because, although I am playing guitar in one band, I started playing drums in another, and this reminds me of that situation that I went through over ten years ago with my first.

On to serious business. Catelin and I are looking into moving in with each other when her lease in DE is up. It is up towards the end of December, and we figured that even though we would increase our commutes a bit, living together while working at our respective jobs is possible and sustainable.

I need to preface this before I go any further. I am a very careful beast. When I was younger, I would jump in with two feet and not think. I would do stuff on the spur of the moment without considering consequences of my actions. At that point, I didn't really care for others or myself. I only wanted my own gratification. I lost friends and opportunities that way, but again, who was I to care? I knew it all back then.

Considering that experience, I like to think I am very practical and consider all conceivable consequences for my actions. I think things thoroughly through before moving forward.

Catelin and I have already begun our hunt for the end of December for an apartment or a condo/townhouse. My plan is to have a place picked out and ready to go by the end of November/beginning of December so she can make a seamless transition from the old place to the new place. We have a bunch of options we have scouted, toured, and are considering. Our biggest concern at this point is whether to buy or to rent. Prices are rather comparable for both and the town we have selected is ideal for both of our jobs. The only concern is that my job is not yet permanent. It is still a replacement position, and there is no guarantee that I will be returning come the fall of 2013. Catelin is leaning towards renting while I am leaning towards buying. We've got quite a few conversations ahead of us, but either way it's productive and it's progress.

Regardless of what happens, I am very excited for what December will bring (aside from Christmas ::shock and awe::). I have been ready for a few years now to move out and start things on my own, and now it's within the realm of possible. I really like the new aspect of my relationship with my parents as they swallow the idea of me moving out. They are a wealth of knowledge from their own experience of buying, renting, leasing, and moving multiple times, and now I think it only enhances our relationship when we talk about these things as adults. Devon once moved out and did it entirely wrong. He dropped out of college, worked a per-hour job, and moved into an apartment on the outskirts of Rutgers with a girl. He came back home with his tail between his legs and had to swallow his pride. I like to think I am approaching this the right way. One can argue there is no right or wrong way, but I want to think I am being more smart and aware of my decisions and what will follow from them.

On a light toe, school doesn't start for another three weeks, and a parent of a future student has already emailed me with a question about the upcoming school year. I appreciate parent involvement a lot.

Peace out.

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