Mr. -- what was it? [sound of squeaking in the background] Shido! Yes, Mr. Shido!
The mice have told me all about you -- how you rescued them from a fiery grave, or at least from slightly singed tails! -- and how you took such good care of them and how they were so happy to find another crew member who didn't try to kill them on sight! They're
Read more... )
[Honest to god crickets can be heard chirping in the background as Shido tries to wrap his head around mice singing opera.]
[weakly, with extreme incredulousness] Extra desert forever, huh?
[OOC: PffffffffffftHAHAHAHA! It's taken TWO SECONDS and you've BROKEN my Shido muse. *LOLS FOREVAH* Giselle wins at everything.]
The mice would like to do their part, too! They originally wanted to sew you some princely garments befitting of your noble character, you see, but they didn't get a chance to get your measurements and goodness, it simply would not do if the inseam was off! So if you need anything mended or cleaned, or any cats outsmarted or floors waxed or crumbs eaten -- they say that they would be totally tickled to help!
(ooc: I. I think the mice have a big collective crush on Shido. :| even the male ones. MICE GO GAY FOR SHIDO~!)
I'm not really big on deserts. Or clothes. [awkwardly] Thanks anyway.
...I do need a shirt mended though.
[OOC: Any character from Getbackers brings 9000 times more gay to any situation. TRU FAX. 8D]
I would just feel terrible if I couldn't do something...if there's ever anything you'd like me to do for you, anything at all, just name it!
A shirt? Oh, how lovely! The mice do so love mending! [sound of eager squeaking in the background, punctuated by little scampering feet] They'd love to -- oh my! Aren't we eager little beavers today? They're already on their way -- I suppose they found your room earlier!
(ooc: THE MICE KNOW WHERE SHIDO LIVES. /spooky. also why does Giselle always sound like she's offering sex when she really means something more like 'fudge brownies'. :|)
I-huh? [Sounds of scrabbling and squeaking; the mice are currently working their way under Shido's door] They move pretty fast. Hey, not now! I'm still wearing that. Watch what you're doing with those needles!
[Sounds of Shido ineffectively trying to ward them off. Giselle's mice do NOT listen to him, much to his annoyance. They are simply too KEEN for his authority to have any effect.]
[OOC: Oh Giselle! *hugs her* I would gladly accept your fudge brownies and sex if only you wouldn't think it was some kind of clothesless dance. -_-;; Reposted for HTML fail. D:
Other animals? Well, let's see -- there were the bunnies and the bluebirds and the chipmunks, oh my, they were very talkative! They had such vivid imaginations, and they could hit the highest notes, you would not believe it! I used to know this trio of chipmunks that sang lovely songs about Lunasa and hula-hoops -- goodness, I wonder whatever happened to them...?
Oh! Oh my, they certainly seem to like you! [calling out] One at a time, now! Let's give him some breathing room! Now, let's form an orderly line...
(ooc: well, now that Giselle's had The Talk, she knows that sex is "the thing that bunnies do!", so...actually Shido is probably the most well-equipped to understand her in that regard. :'D also yeah, Giselle wants to give you her pipin' hot fudge brownies, mmm, come and get somma that. *is shot*)
[A pause, then more ironically] And I've never met anyone who can make them sing or sew. [big exasperated sigh as he gives into the mice, because he doesn't want to risk hurting them]
[OOC: XD Yes, Shido got the equivelent of that talk from his parents (although he was much younger when it happened). It was a long and wordy speil on 'Yes, animals do this to make babies and form bonds and oh yeah humans sometimes do it too'.................D: Giselleshotfudgebrowniesomfg. *DED*]
Oh, don't be silly! I don't make them do anything -- I just start singing and they sort of go along with the flow! And they're very good at it! Their little fingers are so nimble!
(ooc: lol he and Giselle would have some very interesting sex. there would be lots of comparisons to bunnies. "Gosh, but where does yours go when it retracts?")
...I see. You're a strange kind of person, Giselle. [He says this like it's a good thing and YES, he kind of sort of maybe wants to protectherwithhislife right nao.]
[OOC: COULD YOU STOP KILLING ME PLEASE? MY BRAIN CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH. *laughing so hard rite nao* Oh but Shido's going to spend lots of time hanging around the kitchens now and pretending he doesn't have anything better to do. Hope Ffamran doesn't mind! Threesome, y/n?]
Wouldn't you know it, I've never had much luck with insects? The only ones I've really been able to get across to are the cockroaches, and all they do is hum (but they do it so beautifully, I can't complain)!
I've heard this from a lot of people! I think it's a compliment. After all, if being strange means I can dance and sing and cook delicious meals for my friends with mice and other assorted woodland creatures, than I'm sure it's a good thing!
(ooc: MOOHAHAHA NEVAAAR. aww, Shido's just a big sweetie down-deep isn't he. xD Giselle is going to force lots of dessert on him, because golly, if he just has enough he'll realize how wonderful dessert really is! I still advocate the idea of a game-wide orgy. GISELLE BELIEVES IN COMMUNAL LOVE. :D)
...Sounds like good thing to me. [And he sounds rather bewildered to admit this, because it's not his idea of a good time by any means, but somehow when Giselle says it he believes it.]
[OOC: It's buried rly rly deep, but kinna yes. 8/ Especially when it comes to pure, defenceless, musically talented ladies who slip right under his guard somehow (Canon example: Madoka, if you ever pick up the series). Well if it's endorsed by Giselle, then I am totally convinced! 8D Let's do that then!
...I want another porn drabble meme nao. 8(]
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