a look back at a most recent unexpected experience...

May 08, 2006 15:00

So, Friday i go into the doctor's office to get a lump on my back checked out. I'm thinking maybe its a small accumulation of scar tissue from a horseback riding accident i had many years ago.

Uh, no.

The doctor looks at it and says its definitely not scar tissue (merely coincidental that its developed in the same-ish spot where i was injured), that i should get it removed/checked out right then and there if possible. Immediately i start shooting back with questions mostly regarding how much or how little i can expect this surgical procedure to hurt and/or debilitate me (i mean, for starters, i drove to the appt by myself).
He reassures me that he doesn't think it will be too bad because it doesn't appear to be very large, whatever it is (he explained it to me but i don't remember the fancy medical term for it). He helpfully adds that its such a non-invasive, standard procedure that it only requires local anasthetic and that i should be fine to go home by myself as soon as its done.

Based on the information i'm given, i decide to go for it...no need to take yet another day off work to deal with this if its not a big deal, right? Well, it may not have "appeared" to be much before we got started, but once the local anasthesia was in and the first incision was made, it became abundandtly clear that in this case appearances were deceiving.

After about an hour and a half, something abit larger than a golf ball had been removed from my back (right along my bra line); i'm abit freaked out, seeing as how i have never even had stitches before, but i'm ok.

Before i leave, i'm told that:
(1) i will experience some discomfort (HUGE understatment as it turns out);
(2) i must wear a tight sports bra 24/7 for the next four or five days to prevent the accumulation of any fluids and "tearing" (fun!);
(3) i must avoid strenuous activity/heavy lifting of any kind, again to avoid tearing; and (the real kicker)
(4) i can only take extra strength tylenol or use a cold compress to deal with the pain i will eventually feel.

Right-o. I get dressed, i drive home, feeling alright given the circumstances.

Fast forward to about three hours later, after the anasthesia has worn off...i discover i basically can't move the right half of my upper body without feeling stupid amounts of pain; seriously, can't even open/close a car door (Given this fact, i find it hilarious that they advise you to avoid heavy lifting...as if it were even possible!)
I can't seem to find a way to sit let along lie down comfortably, i'm walking and generally carrying myself around like i've prematurely aged about fifty years and all i have at my disposal is extra strength tylenol, which for my purposes is about as effective as taking hair, skin & nail supplements for the pain (ice packs help to a point but they can't work miracles).
I suddenly realize i have at least another couple of days of this shit ahead.

Well, needless to say i spent the vast majority of this past weekend physically uncomfortable although it wasn't a total bust.
I did find a super comfy, very chic looking strapless beach cover up dealie at target to wear around for the worst of my recovery period AND i got to watch some pretty wonderfully entertaining movies (like, Conan the Barbarian) AND Matt got me fun swirly straws to drink out of so i wouldn't have to move too much after i found a comfy position.

I feel alot better today, even though its been difficult sitting up all day at work (can't lean back in my chair unfortunately). The swelling has gone down some and its not a strain using my right arm anymore. I get test results this Friday but i'm not even really worried because a) its probably nothing and b) all i can think about right now is how much longer i need to wear this awfully tight sports bra...as if sleeping hasn't been hard enough these days!!!
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