(no subject)

Apr 06, 2006 15:09

Ok, its confession time folks.

I don't know who i have or haven't explained my dumb ass situatin to, but in the last few weeks i basically found out i was being ripped off by my "landlord" (long story), came to the realization that i am never going to see about a grand that i entrusted to this asshole ever again, packed all my shit up and moved back into my parents house (fun fun), started looking for a new place.

Throughout this whole debacle, i gotta say i have been SO good about keeping my spirits up and fighting the temptation to feel sorry for myself and/or dwell on how much the situation sucks....well, that is until this afternoon wherein i hit a breaking point.

Several factors have contributed to my current state....

A few weekends ago i canceled my plans to go to Boston in order to move out of Brooklyn; last weekend i canceled my plans to go see matt in order to focus on finding a new place. Both cancellations are regretable because of course i would much rather be with friends and my boyfriend than running around Brooklyn looking at questionable housing options. In any event, i did find one apartment that was worthwhile. Well, this morning i got the news that someone else offered to pay more than i can for the place so, needless to say, i lost out and am back in square one on the new home seeking front.

A few hours after getting this news, i got into a really dumb fight with my dad about "priorities" and "adult responsibility".

Furthermore, work has sucked all week and today i just keep getting shit on, so badly that i haven't even been able to take comfort in my daily iced chai + news reading ritual.

I finally broke down and had to dart out of the office to avoid letting anyone see me cry my eyes out a few hours ago. I fled to the Borders down the street, ordered tea, sat and read quietly by myself for an hour and now i feel abit better...sometimes you just need a good cry ya know?

Still, the fact remains that i feel like a total mess and don't know what to do. Really, i can't take any time off from work because i haven't finished my "introductory period" yet but damnit, i NEED a day off. Which brings me to my current dilemma.

Do i say fuck all and lobby for tomorrow afternoon off even though i know it'll probably make people super pissy towards me next week and go to boston as planned? Or, do i stay and make the rounds in an effort to find my next home?
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