It's been awhile but...

Feb 06, 2006 23:53

I'm back.

The weekend before this past weekend i moved out of D.C.
I am currently residing at my parents' house in NJ...with any luck i'll be able to find a decently priced apartment in NYC this weekend (fingers crossed).
I don't have any friggin time other than the weekends to try to find a place because somehow i managed to only be unemployed for like four days as i went in for an interview with a staffing firm to see if they would represent me last tuesday and ended up on four interviews between that day and wednesday.
By thursday i had three job offers and was obliged to act on one of them before close of business friday.

I dropped by Philly, in theory to visit Villanova Law School, last Wednesday (evening) and ended up staying until Friday evening and never making it out to Villanova afterall.
Yep, i'm silly and easily distrated but oh well.
Chilling out with Brendan was great as always. We watched Lord of War, ALL the Naked Gun Movies, The Dukes of Hazard, alot of Will Ferrell clips and some absurd footage of Axle Rose doing his weird little snake dance.
I started reading a Philip K. Dick book that B had in his bookshelf that i had never read before and instantly became addicted....let me just say i LOVE IT when a book devours me like this one did! If only i wasn't so tired i'd write the title but alas its totally escaping me right now.
We went on a thrift store shopping marathon of sorts, stopping off at no less than five thrift stores and scoring all sorts of goodies....B and i together are quite the pair of clotheshorses!
Oh and we also went to check out a drum and bass nite at some club that was pretty sweet. I danced my toosh off (surprise, surprise) and we both got pretty ridiculously tanked....which is what happens when you down two bottles of wine and many rounds of the bar special...PBR + shot= $4 within a span of four hours.
(Fast forward past the hours and hours of laying miserable in bed the next day)
I made it back to Jersey Friday night with a copy of B's new mix, which is of course THE SHIT, in tow...lucky me :-)

Today, monday, was my first day at the new job. I'm a legal assistant at this entertainment law firm in NYC.
Admittedly, most of the day i couldn't stop thinking about how much i miss my old job, particularly my old co-workers...who i discovered just before i left are even more awesome than i thought (yay week-long goodbye happy hour rallies!)
But, having said that, i recognize that change is good and furthermore that i just need to give it time.
Today was the first day afterall and those always seem to suck big time no matter what, at least in my experience.
And a few things about this new job just outright kick-ass. They are as follows...
My hours are 10-6; i work for all chill and well-tempered attorneys (the firm has a no yelling policy, woo hoo!); i'm making more money; and perhaps the best attorneys have some big time clients like, for one...fucking Busta Rhymes!
Me being the nerd that i am, i couldn't help but giggle to myself as i typed ".75 hours/ discussion regarding potential subpoena of flipmode" into my attorneys' time entry this afternoon.

SO, to sum things up:
Alot of changes which altogether are somewhat overwhelming but i'm doing my best to take it in stride.
I keep reminding myself that this is the nature of all beginnings/periods of uncertainty and that as such i should embrace all aspects of the experience and try to use it to grow more as a person.
I miss all of you tons and tons.
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