i think i've had enough

Jul 18, 2006 11:39

Where do i begin?

Last week, i spoke with the HR manager here about my last day being August 8th or 9th (Tuesday or Wednesday respectively) so that i could cash out the vacation days i accrue as of the 6th and still have a good amount of time off before orientation at Brooklyn Law starts (August 21st).

I should point out that it was she, the HR manager, that pointed out to me that if i waited to have my last day sometime after the 6th i would be able to cash out those vacation days. I had originally planned on making my last day Friday the 4th. I would also like to add that i was pretty fucking clear, excuse my language, that working through the 11th was not a possibility i was even remotely considering and she at no time expressed any dissaproval.

Later that same day, in an effort to make sure we were both on the same page, i sent her an email reiterating everything that was discussed during our meeting. She never replied to my email....no, instead she goes to one of the partners i work for and discusses the matter with HIM.

He asked me into his office this morning and explained to me that the HR manager is displeased that i would hold out to get the vacation days only to leave in the middle of a work week and furthermore that such behavior, if permitted, would set a bad example for other people in the office. He further communicated to me that, consequently, "it would be best" if my last day was on a Friday, either the 4th (in which case i would not get the extra money from the vacation days) or the 11th (in which i would, but i would have less time off).

What a horribly calculated, manipulative move. OF COURSE the attorney that is looking at losing an assistant that he likes working with, aware of the blatent incompetence of said HR manager (its uncertain whether there will be ANY replacement, let along a suitable one before i leave because she sucks at her job so much) is going to make a case (no pun intended) for why i have no choice but to stay until the 11th.

Yes, its only two extra days but really that's not the point. The point is, if you have a problem with anything that we have discussed, talk to me about it directly, don't put my boss upto it and put me in the uncomfortable position of, without warning, having to defend my choices, particularly when you present them in such a dishonest and misleading fashion.

I am not sure what i'm going to do now but one thing is for damn sure, this woman has underestminated how little i tolerate being pushed around...i'm pretty sure she is banking on the fact that there is no way i won't stay given the vacation day cash out thing but ya know what, i really haven't ruled out saying fuck it and leaving on the 4th. I'm THAT angry about this.
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