the not-so-happy lil demon.

Jun 02, 2005 11:34

Well. Today is a crap day already and it practically just started. I hate days like this. I'm practically crying the whole day.

As people may or may not know, but grandma had cancer, hundreds of small tumors in fact, and she was steadily getting worse. Well then she began to get a bit better so we were hoping she could overcome it all (the doctors said she had like a 2% chance of recovery). In the past two days or so, she got much worse too fast. She couldn't move her legs, or get herself into a sitting position, and she was having trouble breathing and talking. Last night she couldn't even move her head.

This morning at 6:40 I awoke to flashing lights outside my bedroom window. I get up and look outside and there's an ambulance in my front yard, parked. A guy was talking in the hallway, and I come out to find it's a paramedic. My grandma asked to go to the hospital because she was having such a hard time breathing. So they came by and picked her up and took her there. My mom followed in her car.

At 7:30 AM my mom came home in tears. My grandma had died just after they reached the hospital. I apologize for any typos as my eyes are sort of bleary and I can't exactly see the screen too well. My grandma's dog, Corrie, knows her owner is dead. She's just lying around the house and isn't really wagging her tail. So for anyone who talks to me today, or in the next couple of days for that matter, I apologize if I don't seem like my normal self.

It's pretty hard seeing your grandma steadily deteriorate and finally die right before your eyes.


P.S. What made this day even slightly worse, and it's not even noon yet, is that my sister's guinea pig Spaz is ill. Spaz is a little sweetie and I really hope he gets better. He hasn't eaten in two days and has hardly taken a drink of water.

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