That is a fantastic blog on the current state pop music and the trash, horseshit that has been the product of it. It's very cleverly written by the guy Alex Davies(I think that's his last name) from England. I'm actually jealous since I can't write that well.
This is way too many posts in a short amount of time. Maybe I'm stalling from doing my photoshop project. It's very possible and most likely happening.
It was maybe 1 degree this morning, luckily the weather boosted itself up another ten degrees. Maybe I should start wearing pants? Probably not.
There is a place us students like to refer to the blue room, which the Director of the college center would throw a hissy fit if I called it that since its real identity is the Flynn commons. And to be honest, there really isn't any thing blue about this room except for a couple of the chairs and maybe splotches of paint that were misguidedly thrown on some sorry excuses for abstract art. Maybe I just missed the meaning behind these possible masterpieces or just didn't care to ask. There is certainly no excuse for putting a rug that took its residence on the hardwood floor of one our many "distinguished" fraternities on campus. It honestly looks like someone poured a bunch of alcohol and seamen all over it and thought to themselves, "Fuck, I totally have nothing to hand into my abstract/minimalist art class today! Maybe I can hand in my rug that could be mistaken for a science experiment instead?" Well whoever it was that saw this rug loved it so much they decided to hang it up on the wall right above the stairs leading up to where I am now, the "blue" room.
It was packed last night, and I couldn't find a comfortable place to study. The vibe of the room works well for me, it's my only explanation. I suggested to my friend who was working the college center desk last night that I was going to act as germany and start a war in order to invade the blue room and take it over. He then told me the blue room would be just like Poland because he wouldn't have done anything to stop me, he would have just let me do what I wanted. That would have been really entertaining for me, though I wouldn't really have accomplished anything for my senior seminar portfolio. So I abused my privilege as the Chair of Coffee House and inappropriately used the key to the center for student involvement so I could lock myself in the board room and use the table to spread out all of my papers and books to study. I loved my small piece of confinement.
All right, procrastination ends... now