Aug 09, 2006 08:59
Sterno is dead! One of the most unique characters I've ever known. A real urban fellow, came from NYC, had a yen for asian stuff (yes, there's a pun), was an excellent fan, spend his money on fun stuff, never unpacked all the way, loved with his whole heart and had that heart crushed a couple times. Although he was older than us he was never cranky, never poo-pooed our childish fun. GOD! He was a great friend.
I never got a chance to thank him in person for the awesome blender he send me and Mike for our wedding present. Mike really wanted to meet him after all the funny stories I told of him and after reading all the intense letters and postcards he had sent to me over the recent years. FUCK! He never got to have his fucking house warming party either. GOD!
Death just pisses me off. I'm mad.
When I was little he'd give me cheap lolly pops at cons saying in his most sleazy voice, "You want some candy little girl?"
When I was a teenager he called me "Fluffy" making fun on my innocent face, posing for photos with a blank stare.
When I moved away we still would get together in the City to eat mass quantities of cheap Chinese food and catch "Millie's Orchid Show."
He always called, "HELLO it's STERNO!" sometimes in the middle of the night and I was always glad to hear from him.
Now? I suppose I'll dream of him as I'm dreaming of him right now.
"And the band played on, as the helicopters whirred, drunk on the lawn of a nuclear dawn, my senses finally blurred."
-Moxy Fruvous