Lang 8 Post

Dec 18, 2012 14:12

More Japanese! This one is about Japanese words, so probably not very interesting if you aren't studying (or don't know) Japanese.

ちょっと気になる言葉があります。I've been puzzling over these words lately.

大学で日本語を勉強していた時、「が」と「けど」の言葉を勉強しました。When I was taking Japanese classes in college, we learned the words が and けど.

よく覚えていないんですが、どっちでもは「but」の英語の意味と言われていたと思います。I don't remember very clearly, but I think we were told that either of them means "but" in English.

でも、記事で「けど」を書いたら、いつも「が」に添削されるのような感じです。However, whenever I write けど in an entry, I feel like it always gets corrected to が.

「けど」は書いた日本語で使われていませんか?Is けど not used in written Japanese?

それとも、丁寧がいまいちのですか? Or, is it just that it isn't polite enough (and so not suitable for an entry)?

「けど」と「けれど」は丁寧の違いだけで違いますか?Is the difference between けど and けれど just the level of politeness?

「が」の使い方もよく分かりません。I don't really understand how to use が correctly either.


どっちが正しいですか? Which of these sentences is correct? (If either?)

このサイトに登録した時、こんな言葉をよく分かると思いました。When I first joined this site, I thought I knew these words pretty well.

実際に使い方をよく分からない事に気付くとがっかりしますが、こんな「偽自信」を崩すのは本当にいいことですね。I was disappointed when I learned that I didn't really know how to use them correctly, but it's actually a good thing to lose that kind of "false confidence".

正しい使い方を学ぶと、正しい日本語が書けますね。If I learn the correct ways to use these words, I'll be able to write more correct Japanese.

英語を勉強している皆さんに、どんな英語の言葉がこんなに迷惑ですか?To those of you who are studying English, what kind of words give you problems like this?

自然な英語を話すのも難しいことですね。I know English is also a really difficult language to learn to speak naturally.


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