This weekend's schedule for your reference (even though I doubt any of you will read this besides those of you I mention):
Friday - Series A cue-to-cue/tech
Saturday - Series B cue-to-cue/tech, Series A final dress
Sunday - Series C cue-to-cue/tech, Series B final dress
Monday - Series C final dress
Tuesday - Previews begin
I ended up taking yesterday (Friday) off from work so I could sleep in a teeny bit and then help out at the theatre. SEE and I figured out some storage issues, rehung masking, cleaned the dressing room, and took care of several random things from the punch list. The series A cue-to-cue/tech rehearsal ran very long (as we expected it to), and SEE ended up sending the Don Perlimplin cast home mid-way through. The board-ops and designers stuck it out until the bitter end (some armed with alcohol to make it through), and ended up being there until nearly 2am.
Lowlights of Friday included some major issues with the &$*(*&% projector (which are still to be resolved), Chuck still being ill, and a slight collision with a floor lamp (practical) which fell over, causing the glass lampshade to shatter into 100+ pieces. Had it been anyone other than me, SEE would have hit the roof, but she didn't, thankfully.
Highlights of Friday included a quick dinner with Isaiah and two encounters with Tenderloin locals. (Non-SF people need to note that these events are not out-of-the-ordinary for this neighborhood.)
1. As Isaiah and I were going from the theatre into the booth via outdoors (it's the most bizarre set-up ever -
frawst and
coryphella will know what I'm talking about), some non-homeless guy had just unbuckled his belt to take a leak against the gate. We startled him, and he apologized several times (since he would have peed on us had he gone through with it) and did up his belt and walked away.
2. As we were returning to the theatre after going to dinner, some drunk and/or drugged-out homeless woman was walking across the street in the opposite direction. She was wearing a bright yellow jacket, unzipped to reveal that her shirt was either unbuttoned all the way down or ripped to the belly button, and her strapless bra was pushed down around her waist. Isaiah noted that it was the first time he'd seen a woman's breasts in public while she was wearing a bra, but he generally doesn't hang out in that area.
The Client cast finally had a chance to rehearse on the set this afternoon, and Chuck drug himself over to watch and give notes, leaving me in the role of Director for the actual cue-to-cue/tech rehearsal. We couldn't ask for a more cooperative, patient cast, and they're doing great. (Even the costume-less ones with little rehearsal, like
kai_ta_loipa.) The other series B show ate up all the time (don't get me started on that one... Jeff's on some peoples' last nerves.), so we skipped ahead and only ran the second two-thirds of Client before our ending right on the dot of our scheduled stop-time of 7pm. (I think this was the only scheduled start/stop time that was adhered to all day. I rock.)
Since Perlimplin didn't have a real cue-to-cue, the final dress for A was more like a first dress, which SEE knew going in and was prepared for. Lowlights of SEE's day were Chuck still being sick, a series of discussions that lead her to believe that one of the cast members is a substance-abuser, and injuring herself while obtaining the last piece of the set for Jeff, who as usual is oblivious to how much work she's done for his show and can only complain about what's still not done. She now has huge, dark, ugly bruises all around her right knee, and from the looks of them, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're still there when the shows close on April 1. Maybe I should take bets on this. We left the theatre around midnight again.
So tomorrow I get to move a whole lot of furniture, finish the necessary set-work for series B, figure out the projection crap, hit the "go" button about 10 times over the course of 3 hours for series C, and watch series B (and try to keep the reins on Jeff before he pisses off people more than he already has).
And somewhere in the midst of this, I need to find some food. And get some sleep, which I'm obviously not getting right now.