Hi guys, apparently all I do is talk about my boy on this thing, so here I am, trying to prove
you wrong.
Well, okay, so nothing takes up my time more than feeling sorry for myself. I guess we all get it huh...I'm apart from my boyfriend. FUCK THE WORLD. But now i wonder, what else do i do with my time..? I guess I turn up to class every now and then (ps, my presentation on whales didnt happen..., even though i rocked out and woke up extra early to write it out!). I realise now, I'm almost always in the city! When I'm not in bed. Or in class. You'll usually find me slurping up a tall caramel frappacino, no cream at Little Asia, and/or shopping at the same 5 stores every day whilst complaining about the lack of style. I'm always on the phone, calling someone to meet me here and/or there, to laze and chat about for hours, because i can't be bothered spending the 45mins to get home by bus.
Gah, I'm such a loser.
By the way, in case no one knew, yes I do study - an arts degree in linguistics and language ok! Don't ask me what language. I'm a little embarrassed as to my abilities.