Dec 25, 2008 13:54
So brother is supposed to land in Pittsburgh from San Diego at 5;10 pm. We'll meet all three of us - Haim, Ivry and me as a "hurrah" in Oakland whenever that will be. I don't have to worry - the house is vaccumed, dusted and Haim will cook tonight's meal. We're (my coauthor and I) are 3/4 away from sending the manuscript to Corwin Press. Our plan is to rest until December 29th and then go full-steam ahead and send it to our prospective editor on December 31st. That is our plan. So many times we work to fulfill those desires as part of our mission. This is one mission that I know is right.And it will be in his inbox come December 31st.
So on that hopeful note, I'm waiting to spend some quality time with my brother. He already expressed a desire to be a part of soon-to-be four year old Ivry's life. I've made things extra special for him: made sure he got our clean (!) bedroom, with sweet-smelling sheets and roses to brighten up a room that faces cement.
It's been over a year and a half since we've seen each other and much has happened even though we speak on the phone often. Still, it's super awesome that we have this opportunity to feel connected in a cold uncertain part of the world known as the Diaspora after living in a traditional type lifestyle in israel for many years. Together we'll skype to Katzrin, Israel (in the Golan Heights) where our parents live and experience the rising surge of a home-like state of being just like old times years ago.
When I dust away the cobwebs of thoughts, I know we'll have a good time. We have our altercations but we've bonded and tonight is our time to find that cobweb that hasn't been dusted. Every get-together is a homecoming.
Merry Christmas.
Happy Chanukah.
May you have a happy new year full of eternal peace and many blessings.