Today marks the one year anniversary of our arrival in the States from Israel. Exactly.
It's a milestone... for all of us...Haim with his work, Ivry learning English and adjusting to life in America and the children at the JCC. (Jewish community center)
In the course of a year, Haim and I deepened our family relationships as we adjust to America from a tiny little kibbutz out in the middle of nowhere..
As far as writing and teaching goes...
1. I've been accepted as a national workshop presenter for teachers.
2. My coauthor and I have a manuscript under discussion on English language learners with two educational publishers.
3. I'm pumping up the freelance writing business with the addition of a new blog for mentoring new teachers - I hope to eventually provide a mentoring service for school districts.
4. I'm enjoying the freelance life and working with a writer's coach who has taught me to believe in myself and to focus on my goals even when the going does get tough. (and it does)
Just a year ago, I sat in an air-conditionless Israeli EFL classroom wondering how and when I would return to the classroom. Now, I'm not so sure.