I haven't been this upset in a long time. Maybe it has something to do with my perpetual general exhaustion, but this was just so chilling to me...I can't even put into words how watching these people made me feel.
Follow the
Link Basically, the story is this: Paula Zahn does a segment about how two atheists families have suffered discrimination for their beliefs. She then discusses the issues with a stacked panel: A female, Jewish conservative hatemonger, an intolerant, black Christian woman and a black, Christian male.
Why did I include these details? I see JEWISH, I see FEMALE and I see BLACK and I think: You have historically suffered under the anchor of oppression. You have histories that would put you in positions of sympathy when you have the privilege to alleviate discrimination against others.
No. That's not the case. All three growl and snarl at the notion that these families have endured any persecution whatsoever, and the woman bark excessively about how this is a Christian nation and atheists should just accept their legally inferior status because that's the way it should be. If they don't like it, they should change their "bad marketing" and get some Hallmark cards. Yea, Hallmark cards. And oddly enough, only the man has anything to say for an atheists rights- he has the position of the ACLU: everyone is entitled to the first amendment, regardless of how inflammatory their beliefs are.
Well you know what? This was a white nation. Should black people have just accepted their legally imposed inferiority? What about when men dominated the country? Should woman have accepted it? Should minorities and women continue to accept their inferiority as CEOs? Chiefs of medicine? Doctors? Engineers? Scientists? Presidential candidates?
Oh, my bad, sorry: You don't think that atheists believe in anything, and therefore, you're entitled to make us feel less than human.
I'm putting CNN with Fox News on my "Do not watch for any reason," list.