beauteous gray day

Oct 09, 2005 16:02

Oh, I'm having such a nice day. last night, after going people watching at karaoke with friends D & D and having a very pleasant time, I came home and was a vegetable and watched most of "Gattica" on my computer...then talked to my dear, but so far away, friend leunatich and we rapped about the difficulties in finding nice available boys and finding nice unavailable boys and caught up about ramadan and life etc. she's fasting, even though she's all the way in LA, but thankfully, she has been adopted by  Lebanese family, who is cooking her good lamb-containing food. Also spoke to
projectjulieyesterday, who chided me for not making our September monthly date, but she's coming to Boston next weekend, so the good times will roll again... Ended going to sleep at 2 last night, to wake up at 5 for suhoor...unforunately I pressed snooze, and woke up at 6:30, too late for the pre-dawn meal, but in time to pray Fajr before the sun rose. Today, I lazed about some got some yummies to take over to my friend Amy's house to belatedly celebrate her birthday this evening. I had my first rendez-vous with someone from craigslist today. I saw a posting from someone looking for a squash partners.  We had so much fun and chatted away like old friends. I  was relieved that she was a girl, that she wasn't an expert squash player and that she was perfectly nice, since I wonder about meeting people through CL (though my roommates from CL and are great, too). Now, just home to take a shower and to make some vegetable soup, which I can taste, but not swallow.

The masochism of Ramadan... I got chided yesterday by someone on Naseeb (the Muslim jdate) for going out and dancing on Friday, when I should have been at the mosque or using my time in a more islamic manner. Well, hey, at least I wasn't drinking and fornicating, just dancing with fellow shrinks. It's good for my mental health, right? But, he, of course, touched a nerve, so I did go to the masjid yesterday afternoon... Going to Iftar is nice, like on Friday, is nice in terms of meeting other Muslims and for that sense of community, but not necessarily super spiritually thought provoking. So, I guess in that sense time in the masjid or reading my various books or Qur'an is better.

Anyhow, no more rambling. Will hit the shower and then make some sort of creamy vegetable concoction soup for tonight....It's actually pretty cold and rainy in Boston (yes, I know that's a shocker---but it was honestly 70-80 degrees and sunny for most of this week), so it's perfect soup weather. On call tomorrow, hope everyone's enjoying their Sunday.

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