a great american hero dead by his own hand.

Feb 21, 2005 02:09

Well I just came across some crappy news.
One of the coolest people in the world shot himself today....
"Hunter S Thompson, the American counterculture writer, has been found dead at his home in Colorado.

He shot himself and his body was found by his son, Juan. He was 67.

He is best-known for his 1972 account of a drug-addled Nevada trip, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Other books are Hells Angels and Generation of Swine.

He pioneered "gonzo journalism", a factual style in which the writer was an essential part of the story, and was an acute observer of American life. "
- the rest of the article -

Man he was the shit. Normally I don't care when celebreties kill themselves but he just rocked.
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