Insanity test Created by
gardy and taken 9 times on
bzoink!Whats your name?Amy How old are you?15Whats your favourite colour?redHow many people of the same have you had with?noneHow many people of the opposite have you had with?2Are you gay, bi or straight?ive only had w/ guys but done other w/ sWhats your strong suit?i dont knoAre you violent?yesAre you destructive?yesDo you believe in disciplining children?yea i guess i mean their bitches sometimesDo you think there should be a line drawn between discipline & child abuse?yeaDo you think babies are cute?someDo you want to have kids when you're older, if you're younger than 18?most likely but not 4 a LONG timeDo you have a friend/boyfriend (depending on gender)?no =((if your a guy) How large is your ?(if you're a ) how big are your ?b36(if you're overweight) How big is your and how big are your ?Do you think it's wise to place senior citizens in nursing homes?well if no one else is gonna take care of um then yeaDo you like doctors?noHow many people have you thrown in front of cars lately?none lolHow many people's heads have you bludgeoned into walls?none i thinkHow many old ladies' hips have you broken/dislocated?lol wow 0What are you:high =)ObnoxiousRudepolitecharismaticDid you enjoy the test?yea i guessWill you come back again and do another one?im f.u.c.king talking to a comp lol
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