[It's beginning to look like the ghosts are getting a little restless at you guests. Why are you not wanting to be ghosts yet? Or join their little parties? So now, they're actually out and about, finding as many of you mortals (or living not-mortals) to remedy this.
Lady ghosts will find you lovely women, while gentleman ghosts will search out the menfolk. They will try to convince and coax you into a room and make you select a gown/suit (or choose it for you). And then they will drag you to the ball.]
Come feast with us, come dance with us!
[Don't know how to dance? Not a problem, the ghosts will teach you! Or you can watch and learn. You can wonder all you want about how these ghosts can touch you, but hey, this entire mansion doesn't make any sense, so just roll with it, mortal. Or if you just don't want to party…well then go ahead and stuff your face.]
[[Hello foolish mortals! It's been another week, and have you enjoyed your stay here? Ghosts too creepy? Well now they're trying to impress you by making you join their ball. They have these balls really frequently too, these party-goers. The food and music is grander than your average every day dinner parties at this joint. No seriously, all the food is here, and naturally, more of the theme's food will be here.
Though the ghosts really are forcing you to go to this ball, you can opt out by pretending that your character managed to get away (or the ghost trying to convince them was really lazy) or they managed to just hide. But that's no fun!
So this week's Ball theme is "Classic Victorian." Theme's will interchange every ball (up to the most bizarre of themes, like even space), but for the first proper ball, it will be a normal classic Haunted Mansion way to start off. Go find your character some beautiful clothes to wear! And don't worry about linking it to this post, we turned that annoying third-party screen off, so you can link to your heart's content.
Now for the dancing. The usual dancing will happen (waltzes and what not) but as this week's theme is Victorian, your character may end up being roped into doing some
this type of stuff! YEAH. Better keep up.
Go have a ball! Tag yourself when you go in, and if you would like, add into the subject where your character is (food, dance floor, etc).
New characters, feel free to say that you got roped into this as soon as you arrived, and join in!]]