[Just like that, the pirates have disappeared, leaving only the Black Pearl anchored firmly at the docks. The mermaids don't seem to be showing up either. Or are they...
Meanwhile, it looks like the mansion is throwing a tantrum. And what better way than to mess with the weather?
That's right, there's the weather. Indoors. What on earth?]
[[OOC: Alright, so I think we've had enough time with the pirates! The result is, the pirates disappeared, and the locks on all the dungeons unlocked. So if you were still stuck, well, now you're free! Since the Black Pearl is still around, feel free to explore.
Meanwhile, before Halloween, have a lighthearted (sort of) event. This is the Indoor Weather tantrum, in which the Mansion really just wants to mess with you. However, not all rooms are messed with.
Safe Rooms: Your bedrooms, the kitchen (only).
Deceptively Quiet: Hallways
Disaster Zones with unstoppable Indoor Weather: Everywhere else.
All rooms have interchangeable weather, so it'll always be changing, and you may or may not get lucky!
But wait, what type of weather? Violent raining storms, blizzards, earthquakes, the occasional flood, a heatwave. They're not that bad, but still a pain in the butt and annoying to clean your clothes.
This will last for about three days, ending on lucky last September 30th, and then the Mansion will be in a good mood again.
Comment here and thread around, or make your own posts!]]