you can find your clothes again! But it looks like something else is happening.
If you past the hall of paintings, you will notice that the contents of one is missing. And if you don't remember which painting it is, let us remind you: It is of the woman who turns into a white tiger. That's right, a werecat.
Somehow, she's managed to get out of the painting, and is lurking throughout the hallways, searching. However, what is this? The smell of flesh. It looks like there are living about.
What to do? Well, she wants to play~]
[[OOC: Alright, hopefully LJ is stable again! This time, a creepier event. Although if you don't want it to be creepy, no worries, we have solutions for that too.
Both versions will start off eerie: the atmosphere is cold, there's a sound of tiger growling echoing down the hallways, and the ghosts are looking around frantically, as if they're trying to convince the Werecat to get back into the painting. It'll take a while, but she'll eventually return, and the house will go back to normal. Meanwhile…
Creepy Version:
The Werecat will basically play with you by hunting you down. She won't eat you or kill you, but she will chase and attack you, and damn it will hurt, and you may bleed. And sometimes, she suddenly disappears. But you'll still keep hearing the growls. You can't actually hit her because she's a ghost, but you can try to do something that'll distract her enough for you to make a run for it. Or you know, hope she disappears. Sometimes, she could appear right next to you, so there's no way of hiding. Other times, you'll even hear a voice midst the growls "I can smell you." Ew.
The Non-Creepy Version:
The Werecat will play with you by crushing you with love. WHAT THE. Yeah, big cat mode.
Despite the ahhhhh I can't get away from her factor in this, your character can still be lucky and not be discovered by her. Up to you!
You can comment here, or make a new post! And you can control how the Werecat plays with you, since it'll be your choice whether or not to do creepy or non-creepy. Remember to make a note of that too 8)b
Now, if you've chosen the creepy version and get injured, what do? There's an infirmary, one which will be taken over by our very alive Madam Red, so men, you better get there before she starts making you do check ups. Lucky for everyone, it's well stocked! Because the ghosts don't need these things. And don't worry, you won't be losing body parts. (it'll just hurt like a bi--)
This will last for about a week, but again, you can back tag/post and stuff. Esp. if LJ becomes unstable again, or you're on hiatus 8( We looove yooouuu]]