Apr 24, 2008 11:32
Ok, I guess its not fair to only get on here to read the stuff other poeple have written in the communities I am a part of, I need to do a bit of updating myself it seems, I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life! I have completed the awful divorce, been over for a while now, and am with the most wonderful man ever, he is better to my son than his own dad, he also treats me better than I ever thought possible, it is so refreshing to have someone who notices your tired and offeres to cook you something because your pooped, and wash the dishes from the cooking! We are having a housewarming party soon, he is the only one working right now as I am getting back into the saddle of college, eeew. I am finally going to fisish my accopunting degree, and you know whats awesome? He is going to go to college too! We are going to take andy classes we can together, he is downstairs right now taking the test to see where he can be placed in school, I am upstairs in the library wasting time waiting for him, I think he is deffinently more dedicated to getting ahead than I am, I think it comes from me being a bit burnt out, he has not been in school in forever, I have been battling college for years, hopefully having someone to support me in my school and not yell at me and give me more work will help a lot! Also I think he might actually have a higher IQ than me, rat bastard! I am going to have to study me ass off to keep him thinking I am the smart sexy college grad he fell in love with! I know it wont be that hard though and with him keeping me on track, not only by us sharing classes but because he fuels my competitive drive to be the best! He is so perfect, I just cant believe I am this lucky, we are thinking about starting to save up to take a cruise next year, he has not been out of Texas except to go to Las Vegas for his dads wedding, he was too young to do anything then and did not get to stay long anyway, I want to show him the awesome things I have seen in my life, the clear blue water in Couzamel, Mexico, let him hold a huge sting ray in Grand Caymen, all of the wonderful things I have seen and done, and the coolest part is that he wants to, he could not be more excited about it, I am not used to that at all, my ex never wanted to do anything with me or learn about stuff or go anywhere with me, very lonley existance I had and did not really even know it. I am hoping he will be done with his test soon, he has been in there for about two hours, they said it should take between 21/2 and 3 hours, there are a bunch of kids waiting for computers but I had to wait too so I dont really feel that bad, I waited for about 1 1/2 hours for one to finally open up. We are getting my things moved from my house slowly, we rented a uhaul and got the majority of the stuff out, I have gotted rid of 5 big yard sized black trashbags full of stuff to the goodwill, everything from cloths to shoes etc... a lot of the stuff still had tags on it, but I just had so much junk, I had to weed it out, I dont want to move that much stuff when we move again. Over all everything is going really great, my guy does delivery driving so I can go with him to work that means we get to work together all day and then hang out together at the house when we finish work. I still have to move my cats, Steve and Muffin, but I wanted to get everything ready for them before I made tham move. We have the dogs moved, they love the yard, Bean is about a 100lb Lab, he is three, and Isis is our newest addition, she is a 5 month old English Mastiff puppy, she is already about 60lbs and she is supposed to hit her growth spurt in another month, her dad was 240lbs and her mom was 180lbs, so we are going to have a small moose living with us I think. My love went in at 9:40am, its 11:51am now, hopefully he is out soon and I hope he did really well, he is so smart I know he did! I feel better now that I have updated a bit, everytime I logged on I saw how long it had been since I had updated and I kept feeling like I was neglecting the journal, and I was, now I have updated and I feel much better! There was some asshole standing behind me who wanted a compter and he was being a total jerk, loud sighing, leaning over peoples shoulders as if to say, "What are you doing?!? It can't be as important as me checking my myspace!!! Get off the COMPUTER!!!" I held fast and he got so worked up I guess he finally had to leave or explode, serves him right for being a ninny about it. Anyway, now you have been updated sweet journal!
my love