post medical

Nov 26, 2007 13:34

rode over to nats pancake birthday party saturday night, that was after the rain had stopped and the sun had gone to sleep. it was really fun, i made baby egg rolls and fairy floss, hugged lots of people and then headed off into the moonlight (unfortunately cloud drowned out the moon but at least it had stopped raining). theres no avoiding full moon adventures being a curly.

rode over to a structure id been intending on checking out for a few weeks. the main issue with getting into the building was its close proximity to in use hospital buildings, so it was something to be attempted at the wee hours of the morning. with my work hours, that opportunity doesnt come by too often.
but this night, it felt right!

for whatever reason i decided to ride directly through the hospital grounds coz well... i ride a motorbicycle and you can do things like that pretty easily. this of course attracted attention from people id prefer to remain some annonymous human towards.
rolling besides the lodges i killed the engine and flipped out the sidestand, to look up and see on site security parked right beside me:

"do youze live here?"
"ahh well, yeh."

i dismounted princess bikehead and began removing my helmet
the guard then notices im wearing an australia post hi vis jacket
"oh. arya a postie?"
"oh. so youze jus parkin ere to go to work?"

wow thanks for giving me an excuse there mr seccer, haha, always pays to be polite, honest and only reply with yes or no

"okay, no worries then"

so the guard drove back towards the centre of the grounds, started footing it to the perimeter fence around the abandoned structure to realised i might have to climb the fence directly outside a heavily lit building obviously in use...

meh... ill be quiet and quick! got on foot up and there just so happened to be a chair sitting against the other side of the fence haha (was meant to be obviously). the lower levels of the structure had been stripped and the walls had been knocked through, made it rather simple to enter, hitched myself up and into the stairwell.

the signage and building materials felt rather mid 1900's-esque and the odour of mouldy rain soaked carpet hit me hard reaching the third floor. i swung by each level, had that really typical uniform straight corridor with wards and rooms n bathrooms each side, some really awesome looking old clock fixtures set horizontally from the wall. i could tell a whole lot of the interior had been thrown off the balconies and into the tip nearby, but there was still enough old documents and medical equipment left to keep me interested.

being a full moon i felt an overwhelming urge to find my way up to the rooftop, after the distractions in the floors below. one of the stairwells led me to the 9th floor, and from there i scoured each room until i found the latch leading up further.

hello tank, hello motor room, hello window

there were two floors of intact lift motor rooms/aircon/water and gas tanks/plantrooms before i found my way out a broken window onto the scaff. when it comes to easily visible scaff antics i tend to limit my exposure to 10 storeys or higher (unless there absolutely no other option for things i MUST get on top of). so this was perfectly comforting for me.

there were scaff'd stairs leading up most of the way. the last bit i had to lurch up and over the edge to the rooftop. oh! yes! the sky was clouded over still but id made it to a structure id been eyeing off for ages and wondered if id ever know what its like atop

the most wonderful thing happened as i was soaking in the views of the city, the sky opened up and all the sudden the clouds started doing their magic! whooshing overhead migrating down the coast, yay!

yay! move your magical cloudy butt silly cumulus bitches!!

to celebrate i slipped into my rainbow starbrite costume, and went to the blue side of the roodtop, the construction site next door had been covered in blue meshing. kept a look out over the main part of the hospital grounds for activity, didnt notice a thing.

i spent a couple of hours up there, pottering about and laying on the ledge loving the moonlight and doing something different above ground. i could see all the way to the otherside of sydney cbd.

eventually climbed back down into the building. went and hung out on the balconies overlooking a large warehouse ive grown to know very very well over the last year. talked to mumma who had drunk too much and was about to head home from her school reunion.

yay! couches provided!

i then diverted my attention to the construction site next to the 50's building, and altho it wasnt really that high/might/exciting it was...there! there was a slight gap between the two buildings and that made me think itd be possible to avoid having to go to the ground floor and enter the c site from there. ive grown paranoid of PIR's in c sites since a couple close calls in major sites. (namely one in brisbane- eeek)

so i sized up the gap, it seemed totally doable from the 9th floor, open window and scaff to grip the other side. i shoved my cam and pod under my left arm and clenched my bag between my teeth and took the leap outwards, my left foot made contact with the scaffd site...

...there i was stretched between two buildings, moon shining down star filled skies above, hitting im guessing about 2-3am...tense but calm moment. without warning i hear a sudden burst: the opening of a hang glider parachute thing, directly in front of me maybe only tens of metres away. it scared shit out of me, but still with my grip i slid back into the window and recollected myself thinking "since when do people skydive in the middle of the city at this time of night!?" haha. fuckin base jumpers. sure enough i look up to the tip of the crane to see two more shadowey sihouttes, one pin drop and free fall for fractions of a second before releasing their chute and glide easily over to a rooftop carpark. it was very tranquil and special to witness, with the moonlight and all, seeing the third figure drop from the crane. upon landing each base jumper grabbed their chutes and ran for a vehicle (tight operation!) and sped off not a minute later.
the moment passed, i breathed easy and then i thought "fucking cunts! ruin my fun! those bitches beat me grrrrrrrrrr"
i thought id better get the fuck outta here also now a scene like that has been staged. haha!

and i did exactly that.
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