spring has had a stimulative effect on me. all the kiddos playing and all the flowers aaaah so nice. work last friday i was filled with postie love, and wasnt sure what id do for the weekend. about an hour after i got home from work i clicked on a flight down to melbourne. there wasnt really any train of thought, i simply clicked the button and a few hours later found myself sitting at the airport terminal with the lovely pony club girlies. we were all slightly excitable... liz was a bit anxious bout the flight down.
they boarded their flight, and i went and boarded mine. finally escaping sydney!! after over half a year of full time workies it felt just like all the other flights i went on throughout 2004-2007, except i was totally exhausted from work and i had friends from sydney to hang out with!! yay!
flight landed in melbourne at 11pm, walked straight out to meet up with the others in the cold (colder than sydney, totally forgot how cold melb nights are this time of year).
the 5 of us stayed in a lil room in a lil apartment building near the city. was real cosy and nice! dropped our shit off and headed out fitzroy way for drinkies. celebratory drinkies!! yay we made it hehe.
managed to stay awake drinking the wee hours of the morning away, lots of gin and vodka drinks, stumbled back into the apartment around sunrise (yikes! hadnt slept for 24 hours!!)
emm and i took some seriously trashy photos while the other girls were passing out. i kept screaming drains haha was so close to god (god the drain).
the non chest shot :P
okay, this next one not only do i look trashy, but i look like a junkie whore too hahah. ahhh well, good times good times
she and i passed out when the brightness started seeping in from outside... stupid sun!!
we woke all fresh the next morning maybe only 5 hours later, all in prety good shape considering. I only felt slightly hungover.
hunger striked us hard. was a lovely spring day, sun and happies. i had a slight anxious panic and hugged the others goodbye for a little while, they headed to a barbeque and i sat down for a slow and easy vietnamese lunch in richmond- steamed rice and vegies mmmm. calmed my nerves, exactly what i needed.
black duck came out to meet me at sunset that arvo, we had splorables on our brainmeats! the apartment was perfectly positioned to go attempt the half demolished section of mercy hospital. Id been there a couple times before, but that was waaaay back! ducky baby showed me in a different way too! i love doing things differently, sometimes the way you access a site makes it all the worthwhile.
we entered the in use part of the site, and strutted ever so briskly to a tunnel entrance. couple stairwells down, nice and warm and humid... those familiar utility tunnel odours...steam/electricity/gas piping.
being an in use tunnel, we were sooopa stealthy mudda fukkakaaaaaaA!! HARD to the CORE!! :P
did all the peeking round bends and corners and stepping ever so carefully listening in to all the sounds behind doors and things, COREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
through an underground dock we got into the basement of the structure undergoing demolition. wound up and up and up scaffd stairwells. made it to the rooftop in perfect time! we were mega MEGA pleased!!!!! particularly this curlybean, had been so long since i did some good ole interstate gooduns.
from the second top floor looking down
blackduck put on some music and opened a bottle of cider, the horizon turned vivid oranges and blues. my camera died numerous times... it just doesnt wanna take photos sometimes the poor lil bubba!
the sun set, it got colder. we wound down and the adrenalin subsided (not totally tho). the streets beneath us were filled with traffic heading towards melbourne stadium for some sport match. being winter i was guessing rugby..? so many noisy men in groups and loud cars honking horns and all that stuff. i relaxed on the edge of the crane looking upon all the noisy people. tried calling a few friends but nobody in australia answered! bah!
got going after a couple hours. bd and i reached the basement and jumped back out at street level. TOPS STUFF!! yeahah!
one thing myself and a few explorers had attempted before, was a set of silos sitting above an in use car dealership. it wasnt as simple to access as other silos bounded by quiet backstreets. ducky baby had found a way in tho, to my suprise, what a lovely additional treat!
the harder part was geting to the base of the silos, coz all that was blocking our way into the strucure was a couple of concrete boxes haha.
the benefit of doing things which dont have simple access is that they are pristine, no junks! i didnt even need to avoid rotted/crumbling floors and stairwells (mind u, i did have to avoid the most grossest oily pigeon pooop/vomit piles on the occaisional pair of stairs.
he showed me up into the roofspace and out a window onto the top of the silos. bliss! total bliss! and really bright red neon lighting!!
sitting on the non cbd side of the structure
we split for a short bit and rejoined over on the cbd side. ducky baby got happy snappy with his video cam and i rolled about and took photos and tried calling people again.
shortly before getting going due to movement in places youd prefer not to see movement if u get what i mean
i was really really impressed by this point, totally in love with the southern state again. ducky baby and i headed back to the ladies retreat/little apartment coz i wanted to check to see if anyone was home to plan the rest of the evening. liz and shad and emm were about and we sat to watch the video footage while munching on panda treats :)
worked out that delldint n ducky baby and i met up to explore punctual. hadnt explored it properly for years, totally forgot had rad sections of it were. completely forgot the length of the drain and where convenient exits were. still, was good fun. not having shoes made it quite a grueling trek along the narrow eroded floor of a neverending brick oviform (it seemed).
this is why large brick oviforms rock, you can walk along 1m above the floor haha
so without much promise of an exit anywhere soon, we turned around and exited back out the outlet.
delldint gave me a bottle of vodka and went on her way, ducky baby and i met up with the pony club girls over in fitzroy. I felt pretty fuckin rooted. had been a huge long non stop rollercoaster ride since i woke for work on friday morning at 5. so i grabbed the key to the little apartment and returned by myself, happy farewells to the blackducketh kiddo who needed to go and rest to wake early sunday morning.
emm oly shadi and liz appeared not much later while i was laying on a matress playing mixmaster morris and sipping a glass of floor tea. had a really pleasant last moment in melbourne with the girls. shadi was so fuckin hillarious ill never forget it hahaha. booze drugs and tatts and lots of makeup hahaha
hope she doesnt mind me putting these photos here, i reckon theyre brilliant :) "no no no!" hehee
almost sunrise again, we all retired, scrunched up on a single double matress hehe
i found myself alone again by 10am that morning. had been so special to have had such great company while down in melbourne!! yay! pony club lovelies go on a hoe-leeeedaaaay :) but yes it all had to end somewhere, they jumped in a cab to the airport and i waves them fairwell from the room.
didnt know what to do with myself once the girls were gone. Called some of the melbourne drain kids while walking in the general direction of hawthorn. ended up going for a lil wander along the yarra, stopping off in drains along the way
yup, a drain. a round one, made of brick. with curly in it.
ended up in collingwood beside the childrens farm. earthdance was getting started. I went for food instead and went to meet up with lovely mandy who i hadnt seen for years. she and i had a drink at a place she works at on smith street. was nice, apart from a brawl that went on in a short distance up the street, topless men swinging fists at eachother and falling over into the gutter. yikes!
oops, bit bright. camera didnt feel like doing dark ones haha.
left mandy with only a few hours to spare, reached brunswick to check out emmas new warehouse. we drank a couple beers and lay back. the weather went fucking nuts, the roof of the warehouse sounded like a plane had fallen from the sky and scraped its belly along the corrigated iron... rain hit hard. it was getting dark and cold. and i had to leave to catch my plane back to sydney gah!!!
bought a delicious kebab on sydney road and printed my boarding pass at some random place, when qray appared out of nowhere. turns out he lives across the road and had come across to use the net just when i was starting to walk out. small world!!!
flight back was uneventful.
work was sleepy and sore!
ahhh yay. FUCK YEAH!!