this isnt very perfect

Oct 13, 2001 18:07

i had something else planned but i went half way through it. its ok things will get better hopefully, i guess the point of everything now will be just to get it over with faster.(lehman, school)but i do like it, its just i didnt feel right, maybe a certain somebody noticed it. ..

i'll just quote gina now-" he's so hot!"
anna-"yes i know."

hahaha, me and gina are pissing mike off big time, but i kow what mike's thinking," i don't care and it's irrelevant," and know what gina's gonna think when she reads this that - ugghh thast like the only smart word rthat anna knows"
now shes reading this, so ill just type it without sayign it and being all garrollous.
f**** you gina" or in her wordss "screw you gina"

melissa just called mike and it was for me. dimitry is mad at me. and he's really mad really was a misunderstanding, i called my moom an dh was there and i thought he heard e tell my mom that im coming home but obviously he didnt Dimitry i didnt lie to you why would i esspecially on something like this. god i really care this time i dont even know why! please don't be mad at me i care wayy too much about you....

well now im off to get dressed , i hope gina and mike will see me. i wanted dimtry to see my litle out fit also but he'ss at the movies, well im off. byes

DONT ME MAD PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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