Oct 02, 2001 19:18
no -one understands me, and pooeple r making me feel like im a dam wierdo., this one is tewellling im giving p my future and another oone is tellingme ill probably kill myself if i stay inlaguardia any longer. another one is sick of hearing all my schoool switching bullshit. little dooes she now how tired i am of it mysself. i made a decisioon, and it was made a week ago. im switching back.sstaying in lehman will be for myself, while staying in laguardia will be for school.
lehman is school-> college.
laguardia->good colleege( maybe)
lehman->college( i doont wonna ssay meyabe, hey thatsss how we all feel)
i have to ssay i feel a l;little ssspecial inlaguardia but itss too much emotionally andphyssically. thiss chick told me in school that i sshould sstay and leaving will just be a cooard thing too do, i dont know what to ssay about that, think whatever u think but i persssoonally dont know what to think. evryother minute isss an inssspiration to goo to lehman, andother oone iss laguardia, and thiss battle has been going on for a wek and a half already. my eye is starting to twith. god i really hate myself right now. i jusst want this all to ssettle out and i want mysself to leave me aloone. i know im maing a boig misstake and everything, but what else can i do. im sstill think, but ill make up my mind. l8ter