change of plans darlings.........

Jan 29, 2002 01:04

i feel soo damn right on te spot for some strage reason! everything that is happening seems so positive, and if i dislike something i give no more thought then just the thought of dislike.i am not too worried about many things right now, and maybe just maybe i will get enough strength to ace this semester! well now that i mentioned the upcoming ohh soo wonderful hopefully semester! i will have 8 straight periods.....noo they won't be curvy. after school i will also have outdoor ed, and most likely u.s.2. then after that comes wonderful columbus high, for some extra credits. i hope that next year i will be able to come in to school, with a sign, with dimitry next to me, him also holding a sign. both of the signs will say "i'm with a senior" and have those dorky arrows pointing to the other. funny thing is that we are both uncertain whether we'll be able to do that. i mean it'd be kinda sad id dimitry won't be but i guess not as sad if i won't. i am only a sophmore. thats my big great secret that i keep away from myself. i keep on believing and thinking that i am a junior. well technically i am. i now have 25 credits. i'll be soo happy if everything turns out to be perfect.
well lets see.. an overall outlook on my life.........i love all my friends, i love my family, that includes you kelly , kira, and gina too.i love my little acrylic paints !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oooohh i forgot to mention...i got my acrylics today! im soo happy. i will be visiting the gugenheim museum of modern art tomorrow.i am on a self-mision to study art everywhere that i can. im kinda nerveuos about my advanced art class thoguh.i will be soo pissed off at first. i haven't picked up a paintbush or pencil ever since i left laguardia. i mean they forced us to draw there. after i left i didnt think i would ever draw again, but now i long for some creation of mine which i will be proud to say that it was done my MOUAH.... Anna!!

well today was a pretty interesting mom woke me up from a very distubing night's sleep. why it was disturbing only umm.......4 other people know and i hope they keep it to themselves.i almost puked after what happened but whatever.i woke up and in about 20 mins, when ruslan dropped by. i was soaking wet from my shower and there he is at the door, it's ok, we're like bro and sis, so i wasn't too worried(errr clarification-i was wearing my purple robe). kira, ruslan and anna(me) went to manhatten. i was sorta mad at rusty cuz he was imbarrased of kira and anna.they wore dark clothing today with a bit too much balck eyeliner....ooooh we're gonna slaughter him and every single other person that looks our way. slaughter them just like some wierdos slaughter chickes at our lovely pelhman/zoo he was imbarrased to sit next to us. i don really blame him. the basic topic of my conversations on the train is the projects and how much i hate them. cuz the thing is, the 2 passes by many projects. there was this time in the summer when i kept on seeing projects everywhere! i really did, they followed me everywhere i went. first i go on the roof and i see the projects all across the bronx. then i would go to co-op city to my grandparents house, and believe it or not but co-op is a form of the projects plan. even in manhatten or on the way to manhatten, taking a different root by car the projects would still be there.sooo yeah...things like that usually bother me. i can get get really schitso according to my parents and a mostly everyone else that i know ,and know me well back.back to the subway trip. this time i did not even mention the projects on the train. me and kira didn't even start singing! so wat was that kid getting imbarassed about? well when we got to manhatten, ruslan left soon enough, and kira and me cruised manhatten from 42 street to 23 from west side to east. at the end of the trip we finally got my acrylics. the cashier guy was super nice. he kept on laughing at me though cuz of the way i was then we got home. on the way back i almost fell asleep on kira. i was exhausted. the 5 was packed, i had to sit on something, and the only thing that was open, was kira, so i sat on her. some projecty loking people kept on starring at us.i kept on drawing on her hands with my paint, and they weren't too washable. finally we got home. i cam over to kiras, and we slept for a while then dimitry and luis came. we went to the park and started playing a hide and seek game in the park.then sarah and jessica came. i was dared to run around in the dark with nothing else but my naked body, well i didnt really do that.i ran around shirtless(in my bra) though, but its ok cuz no-one saw me!! lossers! stupid dare for noting just to get me cold.well that was basically it. silent hill, and the crazy chicken killing woods are fun. after the "game" kira and sarah had a whole munch of thorns stuck up their asses or something. someone got to keep the bag of weed that luis gave me, i didnt want it!! i would never touch that nasty piece of mold. i hope whoever kept it, no names mentoned, had fun with it.
so yeah my life has been pretty much this kind of stupid, careless fun.yestersay was fun too. anthony got drunk, so he started hiting on sarah, them he told dimitry something that made me almost vomit and dimitry and rusty gain the desire to kill anthony. i felt very proud of myslef, all the guys ...rusty(ruslan), dimitry, shayne, anthony, mark, and some other people drank. well i missed them all acting like doofuses, but i did have time to make fun of anthony and his drinking skills. dont feel bad i have the exact same tollerance that's why i do not drink anymore, oh please like i ever did. 3 times was enough to make me not want to ever pick up the damn liquid fire ever again, or anything alcohlic for that matter.

nighty night
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