Jan 13, 2002 01:41
now things are boring but before they were cool.
well wat happened previoulsy didnt matter but at the party it was cool.i felt soo loved for some strange reason the whole day today. it started with my grandma. she started lecturing from the first minute that i woke up. lovely dimitry had to call at 10 and wake me up! wat da f*** man!well i should thank him. he should have woke me up at 11 instead, just in time for x-,am evolutiom. theres his girl that i admire(cartoon character i mean), then theres this hot mutant guy. i realy wish they could show more of those eold channel 5 cartoons.well..umm my stepfather called just before i was about to leave the house for gina's party . i'm going to see a lawyer about this crap. uhg im soo confused.just before i was all set on getting my moms ass in trouble when now here i am at home on the pc. the house feels safe again cuz its just the family, and no more unwanted strangers, so i would love to actually stay here until the end of the school year.i would be able to concentrate soo much more on my school work. i probably wouldnt mollest my computer as much as i did before when i stayed here. i would actually be a perfect little angel child. thats who i was today at grandparent's house. i helped , tried to read some russian poetry. i really like it actually. my grandma seemed to melt away when i picked up this russian poetry book. she wants me to be this perfect russian speaking, reading, and writing girl, uumm i dont think i want to satisfy her with that. mom dropped by in the midle of the day. i havn't said a word to her and then she went off yelling aout how i was a skank and all that other bullshit that sint even true. where da hell does she get those moments from.and the nerve she has to tell my grndparents some stupid lies. well ummm, i think i'll to the school counsler before the lawyer.i can't wait till my 16th birthday!!gina's party was cool, i got to see soo many of my old friends, and i got to hng out with some cool people.