Dec 11, 2001 23:04
life as a teenager is a fucen bitch. we've all noticed it in our little lifetimes. why??why?why?because of people mostly. peopel do all the shit to eac other, and evenwhn you don't interact with people,when you think they won't hurt you they still do. so!how many of us trully don't care???i'm sure many will say, i don't care. but are there times when you aren't happy? yeah there are. if you try to trace the problem back, yu will always realize that a certain person delt with the misfortune. so next time someone says i don't care about o ther people, ask yourself again and then say that phrase.why is it soo hard?why does it alwasy feel unfullfled to me?what feels unfulfilled?i dunno anna, i really don't and i can't get to the bottom of it. i thought i got over my little eatig disorder. i have looked around me and found myself to be normal, but why do i feel over than normal? probably cause like Kelly told me before, once you went thorugh an eating disorder you will never actually completly get over it.
so yeah.....i dont know if i have written about my report card already but it sucked, well to me atleast.i'll try to do whatever i can to make my grades go up. i'll change my mind about 100 times more until i decide exactly how i'll ge my needed credits but util i do, i have a little plan.
i've really been looking forward to Kelly coming over here for the vacation.i hope you do Kelly!it's gonna help us both.i'm worried about soething that i've been counting on.will it still be possible?and exactly how realistic is the whole mastermind plan?i'm sure Kelly won't want to settle for anything less than we planned for, but researching and hearing things have made me realize that apartments in the village aren't cheap at all. and by cheap i dont mean $500, i mean more like $1000. we probably wouldnt have managed that money, definetly nothingmore. but the prices go way up to the ceiling so umm...lets just wait for you to get here and then we'll make our final plans..umm final??well im off to the shower byes little journal friend.