Jun 01, 2005 19:35
shouldersman was found dead in his apartment this morning at 5:15 am. Mr. adolf hitler was arrested for the crime and is awaiting trial. hitler will be replaced on the hit tv show happygoodangelmagicstartime by Nigroidia West.
shouldersman however will not be replaced. nor will he be missed, that glass eating viking poser.
i, curran shoulders, had nothing to do with the death of shouldersman. if your wondering how i came back from that glorious bus stop in the sky, i'll tell you i was reser... i fell. if you have any notion of a conspiracy ignore it. jesus loved shouldersmans loud annoying mouth and would never have resurrected me to kill him.
anyway be on the look out for kernaskernopolis. its a show. and its coming loud and hard, like a porn star, or a fart.
keep watching happygoodangelmagicstartime with the rest of the guys and i will see you later... tonight when your sleeping.