And now for something a little more positive!

Dec 03, 2007 00:01

So, just things in general going on lately. My last entry was pretty down, but the more I think things through, it's not really worth my time to be down about things. When things are bad the best thing I can do is raise my head and do my best to make a bad situation good. I know, I know, I sound like such an after school special... But really, these kind of things are important to me, especially now.

So, here's just a general update about things.

The Family.
They're doing well. Recently my parents got cable internet. It's a very different thing for them. They don't quite understand it. My dad is the only one really interested though. My mother on the other hand, reacts to the internet as a vampire reacts to light. She doesn't even want to go near the computer. She's pretty damn stubborn. It's pretty funny.

My brother is doing good. Everytime I go over I bring Mario Galaxy so he can play it. He's already at 117 stars. Of course, he's beaten it once already. Only three stars to go and he'll be done with it. He really enjoys it a lot.

Jon and Jeremy.
Jon is so busy with school. I think his finals are in a couple of weeks. So he's very busy with projects and such. It's okay though because he'll be on winter break soon. The only downside to that is he is going to be working on his thesis during the break. So, he'll still be going to campus to use thei super math heavy computer. I swear, there are going to be so many oppertunities for him whenever he's graduated. He's really an amazing person.

Jeremy is busy with work lately. He works at this technical support phone place called Convergys and also has a side job as a show hand. He gets to go and help load up band equiptment at local shows here. I don't know much about all that stuff though. It's nothing I've ever personally experienced, and more than likely never will. Who knows...

Me Stuff.
Weight Loss.
Well, in my last entry I was complaining a lot about my weight. My scale told me I was around 143-145 pounds. Well, the other day I was walking around the mall and passed by a GMC store. There was a scale out front, kind of just taunting me! I wanted to check my weight out on it to see if my scale was right or not. I decided not to and just passed by it.

What if my weight was a lot more on that scale than on my scale? How would I handle that? I was scared that it was only going to make me even more depressed. Then again, I thought, maybe I'll only get more inspired to work my ass off.

I passed by it again. Curiosity ran through my body; I gave in. I did it.

It turns out I do weigh more than my scale was telling me. I weigh 151 pounds. Note, I did have my big hoodie on and my thick shoes... I don't use that as much of an excuse though. I'm just gonna round that out to 150. So my goal this month? Lose 5-10 pounds. I think I can do it. I've already started working out regularly and eating smaller portions. I don't feel a hug difference right now, but I do feel better about myself. I'm ging to stick to this goal and see it through!

I'm hoping I can get down to around 130 before my birthday in Feburary. Wish me luck!

I feel like I'm getting better by the day. The area by my diaphragm still hurts usually though. It hurts because of my liver... Overall though, things seem to be picking up for me. Hopefully before the end of the year I will be able to work again. That would be pretty sweet.

My Singing.
As much as I was really thinking about it, I've decided not to give up on my singing. Having the natural ability to sing is something that is a blessing, and I'd be a fool if I kept it all to myself. I realized though, with my musical talent only being limited to singing, I might not get very far. So, I've decided to pick up guitar.

You might be wondering, where the hell did I get a guitar from? I don't have any money. Well, Jon's good at Guitar Hero. He's won 3 tournaments, and out of those two he has won actual guitars. One acoustic and the other electric. Maybe it's fate? Who knows!

Either way, I'm learning that right now. I'm practicing chords and such. I'm also trying to learn how to play Black Horse And A Cherry Tree. I sing that sing very well. So, once I get the song down on the guitar I can sing along too! What a good way to share my voice with the world! I think it's a good way to get my singing out there. What do you think?

I've also made my dad very happy! I come from a music/artistic family. Like lots of my family, my father also plays guitar. I told him that I was learning, and it's inspired him to also start playing again! It seems like he's pretty proud of me. Nothing is more fun than my dad playing his guitar while I sing Angel Baby. Once I learn to play better, he and I can play together! It's quite a bonding experience. I love it.

I've also inspired Jeremy to pick up his bass again. It'd be really fun to play with him in the future too! Jeremy! Let's start a band, homo! That would be so fun.

I'm not the happiest person in the world.

I'm not the saddest person in the world either.

I do know though, as much as I might complain, I love my life and the people in it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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