Why hello again

Oct 18, 2007 21:47

Man, the weather is really cooling down. I like it. I think it's a good change around here. I don't think I'm going to be saying the same thing when it gets colder, but eh... Might as well enjoy it while it's here, huh?

Well, my uncle went through his surgery today. Everything seems to be okay so far. I think they're going to keep him in the hospital for another week or so. So that's a good thing.

I took my brother home today. Before I did though, he and I had fun playing singstar pop. That was fun. My brother can sing really well for a 9 year old. We even took a couple of photos together. I'll probably upload them later or something.

The next door neighbor came over today. She's having a lot of problems with her husband. Apparently they got in this big fight and stuff. She didn't have anyone to talk to so we invited her in. I feel pretty bad for her. She talks a lot. She also seemed a little intoxicated.

She went over this whole story of how her husband hides things from her, talked about her drug past (She's clean now though), and also got into how the people who live around us are drug dealers! Cool-- Oh wait, no it's not. Jon talked to her a lot about her problems and seemed to help her out quite a bit.

It's a little creepy though... You know... Knowing that there are drug dealers at our complex and the guy next door is violent, has an alcohol problem and has 3 assault charges on him. Yeah! Big ol' neighborhood of fun around here!

It's kind of creepy also because he knows she was over here talking. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't at his home when she talked to us. Apparently he went out to stay at his cousins house or something. I'd hope, since they are adults (I think they're around they're late 30s), they would let talking to THE NERDY KID NEIGHBORS NEXT DOOR be okay. But I don't know.

Man, I tell ya. Mexicans. Well, she's white... But you get the point. Drinking and over dramatics! I'll sure be glad when I'm that age and not into those kind of things...

Ah, Dumb Jeremy isn't home! I was hoping he would be.. Especially after hearing all the neighbors stories. Jon goes to sleep early so I'll be left by my lonesome. I'm such a paranoid person, I know!

Hopefully everything will work out okay in the end. And hopefully their relatives will stop calling Jon's phone (She asked to use it earlier).

I tell ya. Older people and drama. I don't know if I'll ever understand it.
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