and it's 0330 and I'm still awake.... as per- usual

Oct 16, 2005 03:44

Have you ever...

1. smoked a cigarette - yes

2. smoked a cigar - yes

3. crashed a friend's car - not a friends

4. stolen a car - when my parents owned 'Chitty Chitty' (the subaru wagon I used to drive) I took it on a joy ride to ledyard when I was 16

5. been in love - yes

6. been dumped - yep

7. taken shots of alcohol- yes

8. been fired - nope... I'm the favorite :)

9. been in a fist fight - I've fought with my brother and HE punched me, but I can't punch too well, so I kick, so I guess that's a no

10. snuck out of a/your house - snuck IN to my house

11. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- yes

12. been arrested - no

13. made out with a stranger - he wasn't a total stranger, but I didn't know him too well

14. gone on a blind date - no

15. lied to a friend - unfortunately, yes

16. had a crush on a teacher- LOL I had a crush on Mr. Hayes, my AP teacher in 12th grade, that's the closest thing, I guess

18. seen someone die - I wasn't there when they died, but I saw the decline

19. been on a plane - that is my hell. Planes should be outlawed, or at least really long plane rides. They should invent tellaporting machines so it's instantaneous and cheap to travel

20. thrown up in a bar - nope

22. miss someone right now - like you wouldn't believe

23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yea, I should do that more often

24. made a snow angel - yep... I really hope it snows good snow this christmas so I can make snow angels with chris in Japan

25. played dress up - dressing up is fun

26. cheated while playing a game - not in a very long time

27. been lonely - look at who you're asking

28. fallen asleep at work/school - not at school, on a school trip.. and yes at work while I was selling Gift Certificates

29. used a fake id - I can't even use my real ID since no one believes it's me

30. felt an earthquake - yes

31. touched a snake - I. HATE. SNAKES.

32. ran a red light - once or twice. Once on route 12 in really busy traffic, I wasn't paying attention. That was scary

33. had detention - office detention in the 8th grade. two of them. I was scared out of my mind

34. been in a car accident - that's how Tom and I got our start... what a grrrreat first date

35. hated the way you look - parts of the way I look

37. been lost - yea, but I like to get lost and then find my way, again

38. been to the opposite side of the country - grew up there for a while

39. felt like dying - yes

40. cried yourself to sleep - again, look who you're asking

41. played cops and robbers - my brother and I did all the time... our favorite show was COPS

42. karaoke- nope never, but I might this Christmas if I get silly enough

43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yea

44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- it was soda... that hurts

45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yea, but they get caught in my eyelashes

46. kissed in the rain - :) best first kiss ever

47. sang in the shower - I love to, if no one is home, i really belt out the tunes

48. made love in a park - nature can be fun

49. had a dream that you married someone - something like that ;-)

50. glued your hand to something - I once superglued my fingers together

51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - fudgescicle, yes- flag pole, no

52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - they're just more comfy, sometimes

53. Been a cheerleader - yea, it was fun

54. sat on a roof top - can't say that I have, but it sounds like fun

55. talked on the phone all night - yeah

56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - I like scary movies, but they're more fun to watch together and feed off each other's nervous energy... once again, best first date ever

57. played chicken fight - chicken like, in the pool chicken and running through swings on the playground

58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on- jumped into a pool with all my clothes on

59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - nope

60. broken a bone - you name it, I probably broke it

61. had a 3-some? - 3-way kiss, that's as close as I can say I've came

62. laugh so hard you cry - of course

64. cheated on a test - a little. I usually punk out and stop after one question

65. forgotten someone's name - yep. I can usually remember their face, but not the name

66. been kicked out of your house - nope

68. played a prank on someone - yes

69. played in public with your significant other? - it's fun to torment
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