Aug 01, 2007 22:52
I'm started to be frustrated at work again. Daniel has me running more analytical instrumentation. Ok, that's fine. No problem. But since he has me doing that, he's not gonna let me prepare my own samples anymore, that job will be taken over by (ugh) Laura. First of all, Laura is slow. I could have 30 things done in the time it takes her to do 2 things. Second, she's an uptight bitch, always portraying herself as morally superior to everyone. 3, she gets very defensive if you say anything to her. The other day I was discussing the new staff people in another department and there was some misunderstanding about who was who, and it was like she took it personally as if I was yelling at her. She threw her hands up in disgust, I turned and walked away, muttering to myself about what the fuck just happened. Later on she apologized for "snapping at me". To me, don't say youre sorry if youre just gonna do the same thing again, that's a false apology. So obviously this isnt the first time she snapped at me and apologized later for it. If this is gonna be her normal cycle of interaction with me, I want nothing to do with her. So naturally, I dont my job performance dependent on her lackluster behavior/performance. Plus, if something does get messed up during sample prep, I want to be responsible because I would have been the one to fuck it up. I dont want to have to confront or reprimand Laura,or hell, just tell her to redo something without her becoming defensive and crying to Daniel about me being mean to her.
Now I kinda understand what Lori was talking about. Laura cried to Daniel about Lori. Lori got fired. I'll be damned if she tries to start shit with me to get me fired.
Oh and she pissed me off yesterday when she said "No offense, you need to get a life". We were discussing my work habits since I work a lot. Honestly, I dont mind working a lot. It's my responsibility to do my job as effectively and efficiently as possible. I let her know this, but she counters with "well, dont you do anything else to fulfill your life?". I hid my anger as much as I could. I do plenty outside of work to have fun...go to movies, concerts, out with Jason, etc. She's just jealous because I'm a better employee than she could ever be, so she tries to cut me down. She's married to an asshole-ish guy and, all she does outside the lab is work on remodeling their crappy-ass old house, oh and go to church. She probably does more than that, but I wont jump to conclusions like she did with me. Still, I dont trust a 33 yr old who has never watched cable TV. Yeah, that's right. She only watches PBS and Fox, no lie. I hope she brings that topic up again so I can go off on her ass. I work a lot to secure my future. I have time in my life right now to devote my energy to my job so I can get ahead in my career before I get married and have kids. You know, "work now, play later". I cant help the fact she's in a rut in her life and cant get ahead....or that she cant have kids to fulfill her life. Good thing though, she's too fucked up in the head to have kids (she gets panic attacks a lot). Oh, Lori and I came up with a theory as to why she cant have kids... she's a 12 yr old boy, hehe. She has a deep voice for a female, she's very petite, like a 12 yr old boy (aka no tits or womanly curves AT ALL, she admits she doesn't even wear a bra most of the time), so we assume she has no female plumbing. She's probably one of those babies that was born with both sets of genitalia and her parents had to choose which gender to make their kid. So she probably had her dick chopped off as a baby and has to take female hormones for the rest of her life just remain even the least bit female.