Mar 07, 2007 18:58
Hey, It's been a while and you guessed it, I'm procrastinating on another test. The last molecular test I got an A on and so I'm not worried. But anyways, I gave my presentation today. The same one I've been working on for the last 4 weeks or so over my project I've been working on all semester. And it blew. The presentation was great, but I wasn't. I don't know why I get so scared when I'm presenting. Everyone came up to me and made fun of me about it afterwards. They wondered how I could be a loud outgoing person and still be shy in front of them. So I need to take either a theater of a public speaking class. But when I was done and shaking, one of my 7 classmates came up to me afterwards, Matt, and told me he thought I did a good job. That made my day. I had just gotten done taking critisim so he made me feel a lot better. I knew who he was but I've never really talked to him. I will have to make a point to do that.
Last night I went out on a date with my TA. He said #1 China Buffet and I couldn't say no to that. Love that place! It wasn't as akward as I thought it would be. So free food and a new friend.
Speaking of which, I made another friend this week. Some guy in my major. So I went outside to bum a cigarette because I was so stressed out. I just got done failing Rick's dad's test. Well one of the guys I was talking to told me he knew me because I was the shy girl that would always sit in front of him in earlier classes. So him and I got to talking and really hit it off. And he's an RA so he's been buying me lunch everyday for the last week. And the funny thing was, my bully was jealous. I thought it was cute. But with him, Brett, (bully) I've become so close to him and I trust him so I don't want to date him. Boyfriends come and go but really good friends are hard to find. And I know he's going to be a great friend.
This weekend was fun and I think I've found a favorite bar. Main Street Live. A lot more college students go there, and it is really laid back. There are different rooms so what ever mood you are in, you go to the room that suites you best. I went there last Thursday. But it was funny. Todd (dude I threw my drink at) had his friend "Josh" call me and invite me out to beer pong at Saddle Ridge. I told him Todd was mad at me and he told me Todd asked him to call. I thought that was funny.
So now I'm burned out and can't wait for TEXAS!!! And the Beach! ROAD TRIP!!! I love road trips so I'm always up for one. I should be around this summer except for 5 weeks of summer school so there will need to be a Vegas Trip and a Beach trip. That is my plan this summer.
But I'm going to go. Yay for test. But I will catch you later! Toodles! ~Sarah