Jan 01, 2020 00:00
Hi! Welcome to my LiveJournal. Please note that:
* Most of my posts are friends-locked. Some of what I write is personal, some of it isn't, but I just like knowing who my potential readers are, unless the topic is *very* general and impersonal. If you're a friend of mine who's reading, and you don't have an LJ account, *get* one already. :-)
* I use LiveJournal mostly (1) as a journal to myself and (2) as a way to keep in touch with people I already know. I don't really use LJ as a way to meet *new* people, so please don't be offended if we've never met, you add me to your friendslist, and I don't friend you back.
* I have a terrible memory for RealName / LJ name pairings, and I don't really like trying to puzzle out new ones. So, if you friend me, please leave a reply to this post, telling me who you are. Or else send me email at HAPPYFUNPAUL AT LIVEJOURNAL DOT COM.