Sep 01, 2010 00:36
I got a letter from Obaa~~ With a new recipe I'm gonna go try out soon. And her letter made me laugh~~~ And cry... Neither of us like talking about my family or acknowledging how they treat me... but Obaa says it's worse now I'm not there. They... don't even mention me unless she brings me up and even then they aren't interested. What use is a second son when you have an older son to replace the father and a daughter to marry off? Just another mouth to feed...
I'm gonna go do some baking~ Anyone who wants to join in can meet me in the home economics room~~
(ooc: strike deleted. Anyone who's seen Jirou over the past day or so would've noticed he has quite red eyes. If asked, he would've just said he hadn't been sleeping well, even if he looks like he's been cry.)