I've been going through like a weeklong D no Arashi marathon, thanks to
taijiprojectsub's fansubs which are so conveniently posted and downloadable [sigh]. I LOVE ARASHI SO MUCH!
They kept me from sleep until midnight on Monday, so after getting all of my homework done I watched a few episodes and then actually went to bed at an acceptable time on Tuesday night - of course, today I was still tired, but I felt quite proud of my responsibility.
Anyway, now I have (most of) my homework done so I figure it wouldn't do any harm to do some more fangirling procrastinating. God, I'm such a pushover.
Just looked up We Can Make It! on a whim. After visiting the Wikipedia page, I learned that it's a cover of this song?
Click to view
As nice as her vocals are, I like the changed-into-Japanese lyrics more: They're so inspiring/motivating/super happy (++ I can never understand love songs anyway, haha). Plus Arashi has that super awesome video that makes me smile from that first awkwardly-angled shot of Jun. It's no wonder it's my favorite song :)
Anyway I should probably finish up that chem assignment so I can watch another ep of D no Arashi - I'm at the 2-part ep w/ the concert! :D