
Jul 02, 2009 20:48

Getting back from the trip Tuesday night hasn't allowed me to fully rest up yet, but thankfully I have a 4 day weekend.
I was supposed to go on another semi-road trip this weekend, actually tonight, but I copped out. Two weekends in a row doesn't sound too fun, even though I was being hounded to change my mind after backing out.

The trip was enjoyable. I enjoy getting away for a few days. We went to King's Dominion and rode some super fun rides, one being the Drop Tower that freaked me out. Most of the riders on it were absolutely terrified when they were getting off. lol. The next day we went kayaking which is always a good time. Got some sun, drank, saw an old old old old old friend for almost a week and relaxed... oh and ate. I missed my babies soo much that I practically ran up the stairs when I got home.

I'm invited to a drunken BBQ on Saturday or Sunday, I forgot and should probably find out which day.
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