Writer's Block: Mind reader, Wangst

May 14, 2010 23:55

Describe what's going in your mind currently.


My Thoughts

Gabe is hot.

And the picspam must end here. Not because I ran out of photos, but I'm getting really hot and bothered right now. Whoo! I feel so awkward. And, by the way, you can bet I'm putting this in my memories soon enough.

Well...besides that, I have a lot more thoughts and shit in my head. Just struggling to write them down coherently as possbile at the moment.

Let's try to organize this, shall we?

Thought One: I mean, look at me! I'm literally falling apart here!

Struggling to write a story, segment, article just so I can publish something once a day. Nearly broke my poor brain while attempting to think of something funny to share with whoever is bothering to read this. I barely managed to publish this if it weren't for the fact I bothered to check home for the hell of it!

This is a bad sign, in my opinion. That I'm struggling to write and having boundary issues. That, my dear friends, are usually signs of a bad writer. A really, really bad one. As in Stephenie Meyer bad.

Honest, I need to practice more in my writing. That, or get off my lazy ass in actually doing the drabbles. Only 15 more to go me!

Thought Two: Fan fics, fan fics, fan fics. Once upon a time, I would avoid this like the plague and concentrate on my own work when I got out of the pre-teen booper years. Now I read them and take down notes on proper conversations (which is telling you something about my skills) and all that jazz.

The current one I'm reading, This Pendant Heart, is actually a very good one. It certainly deserves the 234 reviews it has garnered. Unlike some fics I know...*glares at Twila*. Huh...*goes to author's page* Hey! It actually is a visual light novel now! That is awesome. And the illustrations are beautiful to boot.
Thought Three: I got to stop listening to Cobra Starship. Can barely go outside without humming one of their songs! It certainly scares my mom when I sing the chorus of 'Smile for the Paparazzi' around Lolo and Lola.

Thought Four: Argh, I need more inspiration to do this commitment and stick to something for once.

That, or a shit load of drugs.

Thought Five: I have to finish those gift fics for the others soon. Mostly Mimi's, since I barely finished a paragraph. Aw maaan, I remembered I deleted that a few hours ago. That's fucking great.


That's it for this edition of filler work Writer's Block! Tune in for some more...stuff...

bored, writer's block, fun, annoyance, filler work, insanity, gabe saporta, pic spam, wangst

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