(Mis)Adventures in Twilightsucks.com Forum: Red Hair, Abortion and Origami

May 03, 2010 16:20

Caution Rating: *** out of ***** Caution Stars due to some content in this entry.

And the Snicker Ads can go kill themselves, yet again.


In Twilightsucks.com, we're pretty much international. We have different people from different countries (like myself) and from different walks of life. Because of this, we can get news from other areas or developments in -insert any word here- quickly.

This vent thread proves a rather upsetting example.

In the thread, it discusses how Oklahoma is trying to push for a new law concerning abortion. The law says that before a woman can have an abortion, she must go through (read: forced against her will) an ultrasound and have the baby described to her. Organs and all. Think that's horrible?

To be even bigger dicks, they force the women to smile the whole time or they can do it themselves.
Wait until you find out that the doctor can withhold information about possible birth defects the baby might have and not get sued and...oh, you already know now. You read that right: The doctor can not tell the possible dangers the baby might have and not get sued for lying his ass off.

'Oh Happy!' I hear some of you guys cry in horror, 'surely it can't get any worse?!'. Oh, my dear readers, it can get worse. It does get worse. How? The law states that, get this, rape and incest victims are not fucking exceptions to this horror show.

Rumors are going around that this guy will be the one giving the abortion if the woman pushes through.
 The women in the forums (which is a lot, I tell you) were pretty unhappy with this development. One of the posters, Pandora, posted out the stupidity of the law here:

They're politicians! What do you expect?

As I read the thread some more, there is an obvious pattern here: The posters think this is absolutely fucking retarded. Think about it. People, from different towns/countries/lives, not even from this state AGREE that this law is a 'gross invasion of privacy'. If they managed to figure that out so quickly, why not the people who actually made this law in the first place?

The only consolation I can get is this:

Tell them like it is, girl!


After that depressing vent thread, I decided to just wander around a bit to gradually shake the feeling off me (don't want to experience Mood Whiplash) and stumbled on the Serious Business forums. Where we talk about serious topics and such. One of that threads I noticed was called 'Red Hair is Weird?'. Exactly What It Says On The Tin.

I, for one, see no problem with red hair. Sure, I might stare at someone with it if I pass by them but I'll also do that with blondes, actual brown-hair and other hair colors that aren't black. Black is the most common hair color in the Philippines and anything besides that stands out. Plus, staring helps me learn how to draw it more accurately.

When reading this thread, I suddenly burst out laughing and felt better after the abortion thread. Sure, it talks about how redheads were harassed and used for landmines (not joking), but one post managed to cheer me up and save my day from listening to Linkin Park. What post? This post:

WTF at racism indeed.
You, good Demeter, deserve one bandom drabble fic from me. I'm not joking. Ask me what you want me to write and I'll do it for you.


Calming myself down, I manage to go to the Artist's Venue, where we artists and such gather to show our works.  My newest work, the Music Meme concerning a character for my webcomic of mine called Seven Noble Kinsmen. Here's the work if you give a damn:

After showing that off, I went to see another poster's work. What they showed was their works concerning origami and, holy crap, the works were gorgeous. Here's the person's (a ChinchillaCheddar) works, because this totally deserves to be seen by other people:

If you want to make them yourselves, go to the thread and the person themselves gives articles on how to do them. I tried, but failed like no end. >___>;; If you could be so kind, drop in the thread if you have an account and comment on it? The person totally deserves it with works like this.


And that wraps up today's update on the forums! Check up on us again to see more (rather mundane) adventures on the forums! Until then

owl city, fun, drama, bored, cobra starship, twilightsucks.com, writing

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