(Mis)Adventures in Twilightsucks.com Forum: Drama in the Forums, Zoho.

May 01, 2010 00:06

Caution Rating: **** out of ***** Caution Stars. Due to me posting some info here and cursing.

Those annoying Snicker ads are somewhat more tolerable now, since there's only one.


Twilightsucks.com forums is not immune to drama, I can tell you that much. But today, we've been having a shit load of drama lately here. Drama that I didn't even notice until now!

Pretend this is me. And ignore the blonde hair and hotness.
You see, I was wandering around the What Are You Thinking and Short Vents and Rants thread, Exactly What It Says On The Tin, when I noticed a pattern today: The others were pissed at someone and the person they were pissed at did this before.

Soon enough, with confirmation, the person was revealed to be someone on the site called Angel.

Angel, you see, use to be part of the BullSquad (a group formed back when we allowed Fangirl Encounters so they could tell what was fake or not, but now generally help around the site) but then Angel left because the site was too addicting. Or so she said.

The truth (and shit) hit the fan with this thread.

If you didn't bother to read, I'll tell you: It was revealed Angel lied about her reasons of leaving the site, and claims she did it because she felt like the others in the moderation team didn't listen to others and all that jazz. Needless to say, this pissed off some of the others in said moderation team since she never said anything, period, something like that. She vowed to never come back after that thread.

Well, guess what? She came back after the others showed how angry they were with her in both threads. And apologized for the drama she made through the Short Vents and Rants. Don't ask me what the drama was, I'm still confused about it myself. All I know is this:

And the fact it did not end well, that I can tell you. Read the thread if you want to see what happened there.

Heartless Hippie, a moderator, than somehow stopped Angel and her Importing Drama (we have a rule against that now in the Vent Forums). I don't know how he did it, but he did it. Let's just say Hippie has his ways on stopping drama.

Not like that.

After that interesting encounter, I decide to go play around a bit and wandered into the Fantasy Literature since I don't go there a lot. I then noticed this thread that had a whooping over 20-pages! The thread is called 'Is A House of Night Series any good? (Marked, Betrayed...)', and I went to check it out. I heard of this series from my friends. Surely one of the books it good!

Guess how that turned out?

If you guessed this one, you're right!

Apparently, the series insults your intelligence/dignity/race/religion/your mom/accent/morals and lots more. And, yet, this book is praised for being 'so close to teenagers'. I don't whether to be insulted that people think I'm this stupid or flattered that I'm above average from their expectations. On topic...

The main character, Zoey Redbird, has this odd urge to comment on the good looks, take jabs at eating disorders, makes fun others' looks, call people whores and sluts  and acts like a whore herself. Think I'm kidding about her bitchiness and utter nastiness? Here's a quote someone pulled out from Book 1, from page frikking 5:

Were there vampyre Emos with their guy-wearing-girl's-pants weirdness and those awful bangs that cover half their faces? Or were they all those freaky Goth kids who didn't like to bathe much? Was I going to turn into a Goth kid? Or worse, an Emo?

Look at that filthy, dirty flawless skin and perfectly conditioned styled hair. Disgusting.

(FYI: happyemo666 is just a user name, I'm not an emo. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That)

I won't go into so much information about it, and just suggest you guys read the thread yourself to find out why this chick is horrible. At times when I was reading that thread, I thought Bella was likable.

She certainly earned her nickname from the others: Zoho.

That's it from this girl!

Tune in next time for more adventures from the forums and the possible drama we'll have. Until then, take care.

drama, bored, twilightsucks.com, writing, chronicles, books

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