Those Damn Things! (2/?)

Aug 13, 2010 23:22

Those Damn Things! (Part 2)

Pairing: Fernando/Jade

Prompt: Weeks, Writer’s Choice (Vuvuzela)


“Finding a gift shouldn’t be too hard,” he said to himself as he dressed after practice with the others in the locker room. “I mean, I just need to find a good one and that’s it! She’ll be happy, I’ll be happy but what’s important is that she’s happy.”

“And I’m still saying you have with her,” Jamie Carragher, vice captain, joked as he past him since he was done changing. “Good luck with it mates!”

When he meant ‘mates’, he meant him and Steven, good old captain.

Said captain who simply insisted it was to make sure Fernando was no longer distracted during practice and certainly not because he also wanted Jade, who he saw as a little sister, to be happy again as well. Nope, not at all.

Fernando just thanked the man and assured him that this won’t take to long. He won’t try to embarrass Steven if the man was actually willing to come with him for this short trip. At first, he thought it would be short and easy.

After all, how hard could it be to find a nice gift for his lovely flower?

But after hours of searching, ducking the fans and reporters and fans of the opposing teams, it started to look bleak. Very bleak.

The majority of the clothes and merchandise being sold here were soccer related and he had a feeling Jade had enough of soccer for a little while. The closest thing he was going to buy was a large plushie of the FIFA mascot, Zakumi the Leopard, when Steven stopped him from going to the counter.

“You shouldn’t buy her that,” he was warned by the older man.

“Why?” he asked, looking at the smiling leopard doll. “This will be perfect for her!”

“Which is why…I…” Steven rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from him. “I already bought it for her.”

Fernando stared at him as if trying to shoot lightning bolts from his eyes.

The other clothing, scarves and jewellery were already brought by Jade for her relatives back in her home country. He felt like he would never find a good gift for Jade.

Reluctantly, he was torn away from the area to go back to the hotel so he could rest for another game. Steven was threatening to punch him and drag him back to the hotel unconsciously if he wouldn’t go willingly.

While walking back into the hotel lobby, he noticed something in the gift shop that was sticking out of the barrel that said ‘EASY, FUN AND ENJOYABLE!’.

Jade liked it when something was easy for her.

Fun was definitely was one of her favorite things.

Curious, he walked over to the barrel outside and peered at the items peeking through it. He poked at it, stared at it some more before deciding that it would be a good gift. Not the world’s best gift like he wanted but enough to make her happy.

“Do you think Jade will like this?” He asked while he pulled out a long, about 2-meters, plastic horn that was coloured a pleasant green. He inspected it closely; making sure it was made of the highest quality among the barrel full of it.

His close friend and captain, Steven, cocked an eyebrow at the Vuvuzela he was holding.

“Are you certain Jade’s the type to…you know, make loud noise?” Steven asked, looking over his shoulder and at the innocently looking horn.

He felt a grin come on his face. “In be-“Steven gave his patent ‘Don’t’ Look and he dropped it. He rather stay conscious.

“Well, I’m not really sure to be honest,” he said honestly. “We haven’t been spending a lot of time lately and I don’t know what she might like from here. And…this looks fun.”

Steven said, “fun is when you can still hear things after going through hours of somebody using them.” The man pointed at it for emphasis. “Haven’t you listened to those things in action when we played our games?”

“I only focus on the game,” he responded seriously. “Besides, what can go wrong? Jade will love this, I know it.”

“As everyone says,” Steven said to him as he walked to the cashier, two Vuvuzelas in his hand (maybe they can play together with them?). “Famous last words.”


Second chapter of this done! Whoot!

I’m feeling somewhat sluggish as of late so I’ll just take my time with this and my other works. And, I swear to fucking God, I’ll comment on all the comments I’ve gotten from you guys and haven’t replied to them yet. I swear.

Fun fact (because I can, that’s why): Zakumi, the 2010 mascot for FIFA, has a very meaningful name. ZA comes from code for South Africa and ‘kumi’ in several languages there means ‘ten’. Which refers to 2010.

Yeah for Wikipedia! /shotshot/

gift fic, chaptered fic: those damn things, dedications, soccer, deadlines, tired as sin

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