Gift Fic: She's There

Aug 07, 2010 23:24

She’s There

Pairing: Faust/Eliza

Prompts: Sixth Sense, Writer’s Choice (There)


The sun shined down on the large, empty field that was occupied by Team ‘Funbari Onsen’ as they trained for the 2nd round of the Shaman Tournament. Frankensteiny stayed by his side, ready to become his legs just in case.

Anna, in a rare moment of kindness to him, let him rest from his training.

He wasn’t tired, even if it was early morning, but knowing better than to say no, he said thank you and sat on the side in his wheelchair with Frankensteiny and Eliza at his side for company.

To pass the time until Anna would let him train, he watched the others and made his notes in his notebook.

“I have to say Eliza,” he said as he jotted a few notes in his notebook while observing Yoh’s training. “This is fascinating. The weights on his arms and legs explain his endurance and resistance to fatigue.”

Eliza, sweet woman, looked at him with those lovely blue eyes; her head tilted in a way that showed that she was listening to him but said nothing.

It wasn’t a surprise seeing that she was a simple shell of her and not her full spirit. Unlike Frankensteiny, who was a full soul, hers was fragment in a way.

And his Eliza was never much more for idle chatter in any case. Even when she was alive she preferred the sound of others’ voices to hers (which is silly, seeing her voice was the loveliest thing he ever heard).

Being sick nearly all her life (until he cured her, of course), she was used to the silence and solitude that would stretch for days when she was in bed. Even when she had gotten better, she didn’t like to talk a lot and was more of a listener.

Still, it would be nice if she would talk to him every once and a while. Remind him that he wasn’t that insane. He was insane, yes, but not too much. A word or two would be nice…

To be fair, he did get to talk to her. Anna helped him every once and a while, letting him communicate with her but he didn’t want to bother her now.

Frankly, she somewhat scared him with the intensity and strength that was hidden under her young looks. Maybe later.

For now, he should be grateful that he still had her.

“And Ryu’s training also explains his ability to do multiple strikes at one time,” he continues, pointing to where the man with the outrageous pompadour was. “Speed and accuracy is needed for something like that, especially if you only have five seconds to hit all fifty small targets.”

Eliza continued to stay by his side, looking at him as he looked and observed the others. He continued to talk and write down in his notebook. They could be useful later on in the match.

He cared for them, yes, but he loved Eliza. Enough to go through eight years of research and sleeplessness for her alone, enough to give up his legs (and do it again in a heartbeat) when Yoh cut hers off during their first battle.

Enough to pump enough morphine in him so he could do surgery on himself when he was hurt in battle, enough to be ready to fight his friends when the time came to be to the bloody end.

Not that he would tell them of course. He didn’t want to upset them after all.

The time passes and silence blankets him besides the soft scratching of his pencil. Frankensteiny looked at him, wagging his bone tail like he did when he was alive and Eliza stood next to him, watching him as he wrote down notes about this or that. It was lonely but it was better than lonely silence.

He looked up to check if Eliza was there, since he had this gnawing fear that she won’t be there and he’ll be all by himself.

She was still there, silent as ever and making no signs that she knew what was going on or what was happening. Of course, he knew that. He was a necromancer for nothing. He used her skeleton and his various medical tools to resurrect her spirit and…

He frowned, a light bulb flickering gently, and made a quick note in his notebook that said (to him at least, it would be illegible to anyone else) ‘will more tools combined with Eliza’s skeleton make a stronger connection with Eliza?’ and put his notebook away, feeling tired at the moment for some reason.

Anna shouted that training was now over, much to Ryu and Yoh’s pleasure, and left to make sure Manta finished dinner. As the other two put away their items and wiped the sweat off, he had his dear Eliza push his wheelchair to back to where they were staying at Patch Village.

“I love you,” he said to Eliza as she pushed him, smiling at her lovingly, “even if you don’t understand me dear, I always will. I promise that I’ll try to get you back."

Eliza looked down at him and smiled.

It was enough for now.


Hey look, a different fandom this time!

This is for blackroseblue who requested Fuast/Eliza. I’m sorry that the history in this is muddle as fuck and it seems so damn rushed. I’m tired in general. ;____; And Jade, I swear to God, I'll finish Those Damn Things and put it up. I swear! Please don't hate me.

Explanation on why I put this up instead of the Request: I was meaning to tell you that I’ll be locking the other Requests from now on so you guys don’t end up commenting on some really old work. Okay? Kay.

Thanks for reading this.

fun, shaman king, love, writing, anime, series: gift fic, deadlines

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