The Beatles Oneshot Series: Promise

Jul 19, 2010 21:47

4 of 20: Promise

Pairing: John/Ringo, John/Paul, George/Ringo, George/Brian

Disclaimer: I do not own the The Beatles. Any events here are purely fictional.


“Always keep your promises,” their parents told them when they were little children. “Keep your word no matter what because that’s what promises are for.”

The boys listened and said they would, wanting to be good little kids for their parents who worked hard for them and for their future. They took the words literally in their hearts and vowed to follow their parents’ wise words.

After all, parents know best for their children.

If only their parents were a bit more specific when it comes to this odd thing you call ‘promise’ and the issues it would bring up in their adult lives.


When Ringo fell in love with John, he promised himself that he would never leave the man’s side and he’ll be fine with whatever happened to them. Through thick and thin, through better and worse he’ll stay by John no matter what and never blink an eye.

Because that’s what love is about, right? No matter what the situation was, you never give up on your lover? Stay true to him and never leave no matter what happens?

He admits it was hard at times keeping this promise. He knew John was cheating on him with John, he wasn’t an innocent idiot contrary to George’s belief, and that John was a tad meaner to him than usual and the snide remarks on his skills and nose were more often.

He even knows about Paul and John and that George and Brian, poor man must be having sleepless nights from all their drama, thinks he doesn’t know about it.

But he does know about it and, while it hurts him, he doesn’t try to push John into loving him only or anything like that. Because he loved John and was willing to be there for him no matter what, even if that meant if he had to endure this.

It was hard but he’ll do it and with support from George, sweet man, he knows he can survive this part of their relationship.

So Ringo will wait for John to come back every time, no matter what, because he promised.


George fell in love with Ringo and those gorgeous blue eyes, which was his first mistake.

The second mistake, and a stupid one that he could admit, was promising himself that he’ll wait for Ringo when he finally came to his senses and dumped John.

“That’ll take a long, long time,” Brian warned him when he accidentally told the manager after one too many. “I’m warning you George, it won’t happen at all or when he finally does, you’ve given up on him. It isn’t going to be easy at all.”

Psh! What does Brian know about promises? He was going to be there for Ringo no matter what. He didn’t care if it would take weeks or months.

He would be there for Ringo, ready to take him into his arms and will just support him for now. He would wait and just give Ringo hugs, encouragement and words and hope he’ll one day see him as something more than just a friend.

But now, as he looks back at his calendar and sees all the red Xs, he wonders if Brian was right. Would he still be waiting for Ringo when he finally decides to leave John? Would he be even willing to look at Ringo in the eye now?

The fight he just had with him made him think otherwise. The harsh words they threw at one another, the baseless threats and unbelievable accusations. He was just fed up with waiting and Ringo was just so blind to who John really was…maybe it would be better if he just looked for…

No. He wouldn’t. He shakes his head and scolds himself and can’t believe that he even entertained that horrible notion. Ringo was just confused, that’s all. He didn’t see the real John because his love blinded him. But when it slowly fades away, and it will soon, he’ll see his mistake and correct it.

But for now, George just had to bid his time and pray for the patience and strength for this.

And now he’ll wait like he promised. He’ll wait and wait and wait for Ringo to one day (hopefully soon) come to him.


Paul had enough with this.

All of this.

He was going to leave, he promised himself that, and nothing was going to change his mind. He was just so sick and tired of everything.

He was tired of being the other woman. Or man, in his case.

He was tired of just having John for a while, just some part of day and night.

He was packing his things into suitcase he had for a time like this, thinking that some clean air from the countryside would help him think better and, honestly, he just wanted to get away from all the drama he managed to get himself into.

Carrying the heavy suitcase, and a heavier heart, he marched down the stairs and pointedly ignored Brian’s pleas to stay. Why should he? There was nothing for him here, just misery and heartache.

But when he reaches the door, ready to walk out of here with the shredded remains of his dignity, he would hear John’s voice shout out to him. He’ll just say his name and nothing else, as if that alone would be enough to make him stop.

If he had more sense, he would realize that this cycle would never break if one of them doesn’t stop. He knows Ringo won’t, because he still believes. He knows John won’t, because he’s a bastard. He knows George won’t, because he is hoping. So that only leaves him. Paul.

Poor pessimistic, not-too-much-of-a-bastard, hopeless Paul McCartney.

He needs to walk out of this house and never look back to end this. He needs to if he has enough sense if this is to end the pain and misery they were all feeling.

But he doesn’t have enough sense.

So he drops the suitcase, to the relief of Brian and the smug arrogance of John, and promises himself that next time…next time…


John was smart and because of it, he realized how hard it was to keep a promise despite what their parents said.

How hard it was to keep a commitment to someone.

How tiring it was to fulfil vow to another.

And that is why he never promised anything to anyone but himself.

He admits, it’s selfish as hell but it was also a smart thing to do. Never let your heart takes over your head, never promise anyone anything, get what need and don’t try to be too greedy.

He followed those rules in whatever he did. Including love. He didn’t want to but it was the best way to not let anything cloud his judgement.

When he and Ringo are together, he never promised to be faithful or to not stray.

When he and Paul were together, he never promised that he’ll be with him and him alone.

He never promised anything because why should he? Promises were hard to follow on and, in the end; you just disappoint yourself and the other person. He wasn’t going to do that anytime soon.

He never promised a thing and he didn’t feel bad about it one bit.


Brian saw the messy love lives of the boys and helped out whenever he could.

When George was going to throw in the towel and wanted to give up on Rings to gend for himself, he told him to continue helping out Ringo.

When Paul seemed frustrated or wanted to leave, he begged him to stay for the sake of the band.

When John acted out of line, even more than usual, he corrected him.

And when Ringo came to him, just tired and wanting a hug but not from George, he had his arms wide open.

But that was all he would do for the boys, Brian made sure of it.

He would just support them but never enter the fray they somehow got themselves into. It was already complicated to just get them to practice in the same room with their feelings and thoughts; he didn’t want his feelings to be part of it. He promised himself that he would be there, helping but never touching.

But when he woke up one morning, with a splitting headache and a sinking realization that there was a very naked George next to him, he realized he couldn’t keep that promise.

And he was part of this now.


Promises are so hard to keep.


I’m finally done with this, oh my God.

Ummm...I got the inspiration from somewhere. I forgot where because wow…this was hard to finish for some reason.

Oh God, I’m actually done with this shit. Craaap, I feel tired.

/passes out/

fuck, love, series: the beatles oneshot series, the beatles, angst

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