The Beatles Drabbles: Come On You Guys, Give Me More Credit - OMG the Fab Four!

Jul 14, 2010 22:55

Drabble Set 4

Pairings: John/Paul, some John/Yoko later on

Disclaimer: I do not own the The Beatles.


31. Thank God We Can Stop Faking (John/Paul, some George/Ringo)

It was 11: 34 P.M and they had finally gone off to bed.€

Moving closer to Paul, John wrapped his arms around his neck and sighed, “do you know what the bright side about this entire thing is?”

Paul raised an eyebrow, lowering the book he was reading. “We got to see Brian change to an amazing sort of colors?”

“No, that Brian finally knows about us and he understands! We can stop snooping around and make out right in front of him.”

“True, but I just wished he could have found out in a less…traumatizing way,” Paul sighed wearily.

32. There Is A Reason Why The Boys Are Band Members And Not Spies (John/Paul)

When they emerged from the broom closet, glowing and calm after a good shag, they thought Brian wouldn’t find out about it.

The key word here is ‘thought’.

“I thought you two said you needed to go out and take a smoke!” Brian fumed as they entered the recording room. “But instead, you two were making out! Honestly you two, you’re worst than George and Ringo at times!”

Seeing the surprised looks on their faces, the manager rolled his eyes. “Boys, please, I’m not a psychic or a peeping tom. In case you’re wondering how I know…John, XYZ.”

“Oh shit!”

33. Rainbows (John/Paul)

Their date was a disaster.

The lunch they planned out, the stroll they were going to have were gone thanks to the heavy downpour of the rain. The fact it was still so sunny made it even worse.

Cursing under his breath, John tried to light a cigarette to see that he had forgotten his matches.

“Just great,” he hissed. “Could this get any-“

“John, look at that!” Paul said, pointing to the beautiful array of colors that was suspended in the sky. He placed his head on John’s shoulder, smiling.

You know what? The date wasn’t a total disaster…

34. Comparison (John/Paul, some George/Ringo)

When Brian finally left, John and Paul burst out laughing.

“I…I can’t believe that happened,” Paul said, gasping for breath as he clung onto John’s arm. “George nearly sold Ringo! For some rugs!”

“That explains why Rings looked so pissed,” John said, grinning like a maniac as he realized why George looked like he was a man on death row. He was on death row. “Poor Geo.”

“And Brian thought we were bad,” Paul said with a smile, calming down now. “We don’t go selling the other person off.”

“We don’t?” John asked teasingly.


“I was joking, Macca. Sheesh.”

35. Favortisim (John/Paul)

When it was John’s turn to wake everyone up, he was usually (surprise!) a total dick while doing so.

With George, he would dump water on his head and yell into his ears ‘MORE RUGS! DEAL?’ to make the poor man sit up in horror, screaming ‘NO DEAL! NO DEAL!’.

With Ringo, he would just drum the drummer’s poor head with his own drumsticks.

But with Paul? Well, that was when the key word ‘usually’ came in.

If Paul was still asleep, John would just shrug, take off his shoes and jacket to crawl into bed and sleep with him.

36. Time To Suppress Some Memories (John/Paul, George/Ringo)

“And that’s it for this meeting, guys! Now you can-“


“…what is it this time, John?”


“Wait…why are you going on top of the table…George?”


“I don’t like where this is going…”

“I do! You too, right Paul?”



“I knew I should have brought the alcohol down.”




“What is this, I don’t even…!”

“Wow! Go Geo!”

“Rock it Lennon, rock it!”



“I’M JOHN FUCKING LENNON! What’s YOUR excuse, George?!”

37. Storms (John/Paul)

Whenever there was a storm, Paul was thrilled. Especially if there was a blackout, since everyone had this odd idea he was afraid of them.

Not that he complained about people mistaking that of him. In fact, he took full advantage of the misunderstanding when it came to getting cuddles from John.

“John,” he said, making sure to look cowed and fearful at the crack of thunder as he peeked in his room. “Can I…you know…stay?”

“Of course,” John said, moving his blanket so Paul could race inside and move beside him. Smiling to himself, Paul sighed and snuggled closer.

38. Letters (John/Paul)

Dear Paul,

I’m not really good at saying stuff. Like what I said to you and about how you looked like junkie with bed hair after we had sex.

But I’m really good at writing, since I do help you out in the lyrics of our songs and all.

So, since I suck at talking but I’m good at writing, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for saying that to you. I didn’t mean to make you cry. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know.


Your stupid but devoted boyfriend John Lennon.

39. DIY (John/Paul)

When Paul said ‘surprise me’ to John when the man had asked what he wanted for his birthday, he did not expect their table to be covered in colored paper, yarn, torn cloth, thread, needles glue, streamers, sequins and glitter when he got back to their place late at night.

He also didn’t expect two doll versions of him and John perched on an obviously home made cake, dressed a blushing bride (him) and beaming groom (John).

He kissed the sleeping man on the cheek, helped him the couch and cleaned up the mess without a single complaint at all.

40. Not With A Bang, But With A Whimper (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

“Nice to meet you Yoko,” he said politely to the Japanese woman. She sat across him from the table.

“Hello to you too, Paul,” she said back, just as stiff and polite as well. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Well,” he sighed, “it’s about John.”

She stiffened, looking ready to fight for John with everything she got. “What about him?”

“Just…just love him the way he loves you. Please.”

Yoko looked at him with wide eyes, surprised by this. But then she understood and she leaned across the table to hold his hand.

He squeezed it in return.


Hey ma! Sudden angst! /shotshot/

Sorry for taking forever in this one! I have a horrible habit of taking forever in doing shit.

Like replying to all of your lovely comments from my last posted Beatles work. D: I promise guys, I’ll reply to those right away!

humor, love, writing, series: the beatles drabbles, the beatles, angst

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