The Beatles Drabbles: First Is Always A Winner! Right...?

Jul 01, 2010 22:34

Drabble Set 1

Pairings: John/Paul, John/Yoko

Disclaimer: I do not own the The Beatles.


1. Standards (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

Paul pulled Yoko aside when John wasn’t looking. He looked at the yellow roses in her arms and bit back a sight, feeling bad that he had to be the barer of bad news.

While he didn’t like Yoko, even he knew when to draw the line. This was the line. He hated seeing the Japanese woman smile at something that was meant to be petty and spiteful. It just wasn’t right to get her hopes up.

Nor was it right to let John’s hope up either. He owed that much to his ex-lover.

“Yoko, those roses…” He started off.

2. Only Thing In Common (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

Paul and Yoko, to be frank and blunt right now, hated each others’ guts. If they could when they were given the chance, they nitpicks the other person’s flaws, mock the other person on everything they did and squabble of the pettiest of things.

But when John entered the room, the two of them would stop it and act civilly to each other in front of them.

Because while they hated each others’ guts, they knew better to fight in front of the man and make him upset. After all, loving him was the only thing they had in common.

3. Clear As Crystal (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

A quiet creak of the door opening.

The door closing.

Footsteps across the carpet.

The lamp turning on.

John gasping, clichéd but true, in surprise.

“Where the hell have you been, Lennon?”

“P-Paul! I didn’t think you’ll be awake at this hour.”

“Enough with the bullshit, John!”

A fist hitting the surface of the table.

“You’ve been with her again, haven’t you?”


Paul’s heavy breathing.

“Get out John. Now.”

Hesitant, slow footsteps.


“Now love. Please.”


The door opening and closing.

Glass hitting the door, breaking and scattering the liquor it contained everywhere.

Paul sobbing in his hands.

4. Praise (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

Paul noticed that John’s way of showing that he liked someone, as in ‘love’ and not ‘shag them silly, was that he would heaps praise on them. Flattery, ass-kissing, honeyed words, whatever you called it.

On their talents, or manners or anything he could think of. He would coo and worship the person’s…whatever in order to get their affections. That was what John did to Paul when they first started to court one another.

And that was why Paul felt the alarms ringing in his head when John started to praise the ‘amazing, original’ work of this Yoko Ono person.

5. Green (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

He sees Yoko in the living room before the funeral, and sees she is dressed in green.

Paul is first confused but then angry. This wasn’t the time to make some stupid hippie statement.

He marches over to where she was; ready to give her the lashing of the lifetime when he hears-

“John always loved green,” Yoko whispers, looking up at him and smiling at him. “Green reminded him of nature. He also looked so good in it.”

Paul now remembers. He stares at Yoko; actually he stared at the green, before leaving the room without saying a word.

6. Song (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

While John had left to take a bathroom break, he couldn’t help but take a sneak peek at the song John had been working on. The song, Julia, was meant for his mother and it made Paul smile at the thoughtfulness.

That was until he saw this line:

Ocean child calls me, so I sing a song of love

That was obviously meant for Yoko or ‘ocean child’ as her last name meant. He wasn’t an idiot.

Hmph! Paul thought as he sat back, fuming. John thought he was so clever writing that line.

John never did that for him.

7. Blessing (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

“I’m marrying him in a few months,” Yoko said.

He glared at her. “So what?”

She sighed, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I was hoping for you consent, McCartney. I know about your relationship with him.”

“If you actually did know about how I felt, still feel, for him,” Paul said in anger, “you wouldn’t have stolen John from me!”

“Paul, I’m sorry,” she says. “But I truly love him. Please, give me your blessing. It’ll mean so much to him.”

“Just keep him happy, Ono.”

“Thank you for your blessing. I’ll do my best to keep John happy.”

8. Memorial Memories (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

Paul looked at the memorial before him as it was unveiled, his heart thumping painfully in his chest.

Strawberry Fields.

The memories of that time hit him like a tidal wave. The carefree relationship they had. The deep, sweet moments they made. The silly fights they had and the passionate make up make outs.

Passing by Yoko as she talks to the reporters and fans, he reaches out and squeezes her hand. As thanks in a way for making another remainder for a great man they all lost that day.

She looks at him and smiles, squeezing his hand back.

9. Liar (John/Paul, John/Yoko)

John told him that he would never fall in love with anyone else.

John told him that their love was different.

John told him that they’ll never be separated.

John told him that he’ll forever have a special place in the man’s heart.

John told him that this Yoko person was just some random artist he met.

John told him that no one would win his heart.

John told him that he was special.

And, surprise surprise, it was just a load fucking lies.

What Paul hated more than a cheater was a liar.

Yet, he still loved John.


10. What Would Never Happen In A Million Years (Paul/John/Yoko)

“Morning love,” Paul said to Yoko as he emerged from the bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “What are we having today?”

Yoko kissed Paul on the cheek as he sat down, smiling happily at her. “Actually, John is making breakfast for us.”

“Are you mad?!” Paul said in mock horror, making Yoko laugh hysterically as he flailed his arms in the air. “We’re going to die! A death sentence, Yoko, a death sentence!”

John stuck his head out of the kitchen, frowning at the two of them now. “And I love the both of you too,” he replied sarcastically.


As you can see, I’m procrastinating like no tomorrow on the other works I’ve been writing for a while.

Why? Because I can, damn it!

This will be a 100 drabble series concerning a certain couple in each set. If you want to make requests for this certain drabble or this certain paring, go ahead! I’ll be more than happy to write it for you.

love, series: the beatles drabbles, procrastination, music, last minute shit, sadness, magic, the beatles, angst

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